What is the processus Uncinatus?

Definition. A processus uncinatus or in English uncinate process is used for many anatomical structures: A thin, uncinate shaped bone lamella from anterior part of the lateral side (facies lateralis) of the lateral mass to caudal and dorsal (Processus uncinatus ossis ethmoidalis).

What is the function of the uncinate process of the pancreas?

The pancreas is divided into 5 main regions Uncinate process – The area of the pancreas that bends backwards and beneath the body of the pancreas. The uncinate process is where 2 crucial blood vessels (the superior mesenteric artery and the superior mesenteric vein) intersect.

Where is uncinate process of pancreas?

The uncinate process is a hook like extension from the lower part of the head of the pancreas, and it extends superiorly and posteriorly behind the superior mesenteric vein (SMV), and ends either to the right side or extending behind the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) 1.

Where is Isthmus of pancreas?

The isthmus (also called the central pancreas) is the region of the gland that runs anterior to the superior mesenteric artery; by convention, it divides the right and left sides of the pancreas. The ventral pancreatic bud forms the pancreatic head and uncinate process.

What does Uncinated mean?

Definition of uncinate : bent at the tip like a hook : hooked an uncinate achene.

Why is it called uncinate process?

The uncinate process is a prolongation at the junction of the lower and left lateral border of the pancreatic head. The word “uncinate” comes from the latin “uncinatus,” meaning “hooked” [1]. The pancreas develops from the two endodermal buds which arise from the caudal part of the foregut [2].

What is meant by uncinate process?

The uncinate processes refer to a hook-shaped process, or bony protuberance, located on the lateral or posterolateral margins of the superior endplates of the cervical vertebral bodies, most commonly found at the levels of C3-C7.

What is uncinate process cyst?

These cysts are usually found in the head and neck of the pancreas or uncinate process of the pancreas (part of the head of the pancreas). IPMNs have a high potential for progressing from benign growths to invasive cancer.

What is considered a large pancreatic cyst?

Worrisome features are defined as a cyst larger than 3 cm, a thick cyst wall or one that “lights up” with contrast when a CT scan is done, size of the main duct of the pancreas measuring 5 to 9 mm, a nodule on the wall of the cyst that does not light up with CT contrast, or a sudden change in the diameter of the …

Which part of the pancreas is intraperitoneal?

tail of the pancreas
Normal Anatomy. The pancreas is mostly within the retroperitoneum in the anterior pararenal space. However, the tail of the pancreas is actually an intraperitoneal structure and in close relationship with the splenorenal ligament.

What does Unculate mean?