What is the process of cultivation of trees?


  1. Cleaning the site.
  2. Digging a hole.
  3. Obtaining the plant.
  4. Watering the seedling.
  5. Removing the plant from the pot.
  6. Placing the plant in the hole.
  7. Covering the roots with soil.
  8. Gently packing the soil around the tree.

What is the cultivation of trees called?

Arboriculture (/ˈɑːrbərɪˌkʌltʃər, ɑːrˈbɔːr-/) is the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. The science of arboriculture studies how these plants grow and respond to cultural practices and to their environment.

What is a place where trees are grown?

woodland. an area of land filled with trees. You can also talk about woodlands, and this has the same meaning.

What is the process of planting an area with trees?

  1. Tree-planting is the process of transplanting tree seedlings, generally for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purpose.
  2. In silviculture the activity is known as reforestation, or afforestation, depending on whether the area being planted has or has not recently been forested.

What is tree plantation paragraph?

Tree Plantation Paragraph for 10 Tree plantation means planting trees in large numbers throughout the country. Trees help us by providing us with food, oxygen, and fuel. There would be no oxygen if there were no trees, and life would stop. Tree damage means loss of life.

What is a cultivated forest?

In some regions, primary forests are being replaced with “cultivated forests” or “forest gardens,” where useful trees are planted on farmlands after the removal of pre-existing natural forests.

Which place where fruits are grown?

Answer. A place where fruit trees are grown is called Orchards.

What is a place where fruits are grown called?

Places where fruit are grown are known as orchards , and can be only metres in area to acres in area , such places grow , Apple’s , pears , plums , and cherries .

What are the five steps to plant a tree?

Five Key Steps for Planting Trees & Shrubs

  1. Dig hole 2-3 times wider than the container size or root ball. It’s also critical that you don’t dig your hole too deep.
  2. Break up the rootball.
  3. Backfill the hole with native soil.
  4. Add mulch.
  5. Water thoroughly.

What is the life cycle of tree?

The life cycle of trees includes the following stages – pollination, seed, sprout, seedling, sapling, mature, decline and death. The cycle begins again either with the help of people planting trees or new trees growing in the wild from seed. Conditions must favorable for a tree to complete its life cycle.

What are the 5 stages of plant life cycle?

There are the 5 stages of plant life cycle. The seed, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination, and seed spreading stages.