What is the principle of Sysmex?

Principles of measurement Blood is sampled and diluted, and moves through a tube thin enough that cells pass by one at a time. Characteristics about the cell are measured using lasers (fluorescence flow cytometry) or electrical impedance.

How does Sysmex hematology analyzer work?

Although other CBC analyzers use the conventional modified cyanohemoglobin technique to measure hemoglobin concen- tration, the Sysmex instruments utilize a so- dium lauryl sulfate (SLS) reagent, which forms a stable complex with oxidized hemo- globin, and is measured photometrically at 555 nm to minimize interference …

What is the principle of the hematology analyzer?

The traditional method for counting cells is electrical impedance, also known as the Coulter Principle. It is used in almost every hematology analyzer. Whole blood is passed between two electrodes through an aperture so narrow that only one cell can pass through at a time.

What is the principle of full blood count?

A full blood count (FBC) test is one of the most common blood tests done. A blood sample is taken which is prevented from clotting by using a preservative in the blood bottle. The sample is put into a machine which automatically: Counts the number of red cells, white cells and platelets per millilitre of blood.

What is the principle of automated impedance cell counters?

The principle of impedance counting, also known as the Coulter principle after its inventor Wallace Coulter, is the passage of cells suspended in a known dilution through a small orifice. The electrolyte-containing diluent serves as a conductor of a constant electrical current between two electrodes.

How does sysmex measure MCV?

Hematocrit and MCV are direct measurements on the Sysmex XT-2000i. The MCV is an average of all RBC size measurements collected in the impedance counter. The HCT is the sum of all the RBC size measurements and reported in proportion to the total volume of the analysis sample.

What is 3-part hematology analyzer?

The 3-part differential analyzer measures the volume of white blood cells electrically and classifies the cells, based on their size, into three groups: a small white blood cell group (lymphocytes), a medium-sized white blood cell group (monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils), and a large white blood cell group ( …

What is DC detection?

In the sheath flow DC detection method, blood cells enclosed by a front sheath liquid pass through the center of the aperture one by one in line and at a certain interval. Therefore, an accurate pulse signal enables the number of blood cells to be measured.

What are the principles of automated cell counting?

Summary. The automated complete blood cell count is performed using a number of different physical principles, such as electrical impedance, light scatter, and fluorescence.