What is the price of scrap aluminum in Houston Texas?

Scrap Metal Prices in Houston, Texas, United States

Aluminum Scrap
Material Average Price Price Unit
6061 Aluminum Scrap 0.42 USD/LB
6061 Aluminum Scrap w/Fe 0.32 USD/LB
6063 Extrusions Scrap 0.6 USD/LB

How much is a pound of aluminum worth in Texas?

Our Live Prices

Aluminum Price
Extruded Aluminum $ 1.15 per lb
60/61 Aluminum $ 0.80 per lb

How much is aluminum Worth in Texas?

Scrap Metal Prices in Texas, United States

Aluminum Scrap
Material Average Price Price Date
Al/Cu Reefers Scrap w/ Fe 1.44 2022-05-20
Aluminum Wheels Clean Scrap 0.67 2022-05-20
6063 Painted Aluminum Scrap 1.3 2022-04-20

What is the going rate on scrap metal in Houston?

CURRENT PRICE $0.03-$0.05/lb These prices are current as of today’s date and are subject to change, at any time due to outstanding market conditions.

What is the price for aluminum?

Scrap Metal Scrap Price Updated Price Date
Copper National Average $3.44/lb Updated 06/05/2022
Steel National Average $195.00/ton Updated 06/05/2022
Aluminum National Average $0.51/lb Updated 06/05/2022

How much do you get for recycling cans in Texas?

Aluminum Price in Texas Worth Texas is currently paying 40 cents per pound for aluminum cans.

How many aluminum cans does it take to make a pound?

There are about 24 aluminum cans in a pound.

How many 12 oz aluminum cans does it take to make 1 lb?

About 32 to 35 12 oz cans makes a pound.

Is aluminum going up in price?

Aluminum prices jumped more than 3% to hit a record high of $3,450 per ton on the London Metal Exchange. Nickel is now trading at the highest level in more than a decade: around $25,000 per ton. Platinum jumped more than 2%, while palladium surged more than 6%. Russia is a key producer of all four metals.