What is the price of Bakelite?
What is the price of Bakelite?
market price of Bakelite Sheets in India is Rs 700/ Sheet.
What is Bakelite sheet made of?
A hard, infusible, and chemically resistant plastic, Bakelite was based on a chemical combination of phenol and formaldehyde (phenol-formaldehyde resin), two compounds that were derived from coal tar and wood alcohol (methanol), respectively, at that time.
What is the use of Bakelite sheet?
Bakelite is suitable for use in transformer oil, in machineries, motors and electric appliances where insulating pieces and parts of high mechanical property are required. Bakelite sheet is a hard, dense material made by applying heat and pressure to layers of paper or glass cloth impregnated with phenolic resin.
How do you calculate the weight of a Bakelite sheet?
Bakelite, solid weighs 1.25 gram per cubic centimeter or 1 250 kilogram per cubic meter, i.e. density of bakelite, solid is equal to 1 250 kg/m³. In Imperial or US customary measurement system, the density is equal to 78.035 pound per cubic foot [lb/ft³], or 0.7225 ounce per cubic inch [oz/inch³] .
What are the properties of Bakelite?
Bakelite has a number of important properties. It can be molded very quickly, decreasing production time. Moldings are smooth, retain their shape and are resistant to heat, scratches, and destructive solvents. It is also resistant to electricity, and prized for its low conductivity.
Is Bakelite still manufactured?
Bakelite stock is still manufactured and produced in sheet, rod and tube form for industrial applications in the electronics, power generation and aerospace industries, and under a variety of commercial brand names.
What colors are Bakelite?
Bakelite in solid colors is the most recognizable type even without employing testing measures. The most readily found colors are yellow, ranging from butter yellow to dark butterscotch, followed by various shades of green.
How do you identify Bakelite?
Using Formula 409 Cleaner To use, dampen a cotton swab with 409 and rub it gently on the inside of the item being tested. If it is Bakelite, the swab will turn yellow. If a piece is lacquered, it may test negative with 409. Black Bakelite pieces often fail this test as well.
How do you calculate material weight?
Weight (kg) = Sectional Area (mm2) x Length (m) x Density (g/cm3) x 1/1,000.
Why is Bakelite no longer used?
By the late 1940s, newer materials were superseding Bakelite in many areas. Phenolics are less frequently used in general consumer products today due to their cost and complexity of production and their brittle nature.
Why is Bakelite expensive?
Rarity and desirability are some of the reasons Bakelite is so expensive. It’s also highly collectible. If you have a piece of Bakelite jewelry and are wondering how much it’s worth, it’s a good idea to compare it to recently sold items in a similar style.