What is the price of a 2×4 8ft long treated?

AC2 2 x 4 Ground Contact Green Pressure Treated Lumber at Menards

Everyday Low Price $8.17
11% Mail-In Rebate Good Through 6/12/22 $0.90

How much does a pressure treated 2 by 10 cost?

AC2 2 x 10 Ground Contact Green Pressure Treated Lumber at Menards

Everyday Low Price $32.15
11% Mail-In Rebate Good Through 6/5/22 $3.54

What is the best grade of pressure treated lumber?

The 5 Pressure Treated Lumber Grades Select structural, or SS, is the highest grade based on durability and strength. Standard grade lumber can be used for joists and other load-bearing applications.

What is the difference between pressure treated and ground contact?

Pressure-treated wood is softwood lumber, typically southern yellow pine, that’s been chemically treated to resist rot, decay and termites. Lumber treated to “Ground Contact” has a high chemical retention level and can be placed directly on or in the ground with better protection against rot or decay.

What is the price of pressure treated lumber?

The average cost of basic pressure treated pine runs about $15-$25 per square foot. Fancier woods will cost a bit more, usually between $25-$30 per square foot.

What is the actual size of 2×10 pressure treated lumber?

2x Board Sizes lose 3/4 inch in width. That means a 2×10 is actually 1 1/2 inch in thickness by 9 1/4 inches.

What lasts longer pressure treated or cedar?

When it comes to comparing treated wood vs. cedar, pressure-treated wood is the sturdier and more weather-proof of the two. It’s highly resistant to insect attack and rot, and special versions rated for “ground contact” can be buried in soil and will continue to shrug off decay for decades.

How long does green pressure treated wood last?

40 years
While pressure treated poles can stay up to 40 years without any signs of rot or decay, decks and flooring might only last around 10 years.