What is the price for a gallon of diesel?

National average gas prices

Regular Diesel
Current Avg. $4.955 $5.719
Yesterday Avg. $4.919 $5.684
Week Ago Avg. $4.671 $5.538
Month Ago Avg. $4.317 $5.539

What is the price of 1 litre of diesel?

32.96 per litre. As for diesel, the excise duty is Rs. 13.83 per litre and VAT at Rs. 9.47 per litre and the price charged to dealers amounts to Rs.

Which country has the cheapest diesel?

Diesel prices – Country rankings The average for 2016 based on 160 countries was 0.87 dollars. The highest value was in Iceland: 1.63 dollars and the lowest value was in Libya: 0.11 dollars. The indicator is available from 1991 to 2016. Below is a chart for all countries where data are available.

In which country is diesel most expensive?

Iceland is the top country by diesel price in the world. As of 2016, diesel price in Iceland was 1.63 US dollars per liter. The top 5 countries also includes Norway, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Italy.

What is the price of fuel in Saudi Arabia?

For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world for this period is 7.37 Saudi Riyal….Saudi Arabia Gasoline prices, 06-Jun-2022.

Saudi Arabia Gasoline prices Litre Gallon
SAR 2.330 8.820
USD 0.621 2.351
EUR 0.581 2.199

How much is diesel in the UK?

Latest UK average petrol and diesel prices

Unleaded Super unleaded Diesel
178.50 189.54 185.20
pence per litre pence per litre pence per litre
↗ Likely to rise ↗ Likely to rise ↗ Likely to rise

What is the diesel price in Pakistan?

Check the latest fuel prices at our stations….Shell Station Price Board.

Product Rs/Litre
Diesel 204.15

What is the price of diesel in the UK?

For comparison, the average price of diesel in the world for this period is 1.47 U.K. Pound Sterling….United Kingdom Diesel prices, 30-May-2022.

United Kingdom Diesel prices Litre Gallon
USD 2.308 8.737
EUR 2.141 8.105

What is the price of diesel in Saudi Arabia?

For comparison, the average price of diesel in the world for this period is 7.06 Saudi Riyal….Saudi Arabia Diesel prices, 06-Jun-2022.

Saudi Arabia Diesel prices Litre Gallon
SAR 0.630 2.385
USD 0.168 0.636
EUR 0.157 0.594

What is the cost of diesel in Russia?

For comparison, the average price of diesel in the world for this period is 124.39 Russian Rouble….Russia Diesel prices, 09-May-2022.

Russia Diesel prices Litre Gallon
USD 0.759 2.873
EUR 0.719 2.722

How much is fuel in Qatar?

For comparison, the average price of gasoline in the world for this period is 7.15 Qatari Rial….Qatar Gasoline prices, 06-Jun-2022.

Qatar Gasoline prices Litre Gallon
QAR 2.100 7.949
USD 0.577 2.184
EUR 0.539 2.040