What is the prefix for 9 carbons?

Organic Chemistry Prefixes

Prefix Number of Carbon atoms Formula
hex- 6 C6
hept- 7 C7
oct- 8 C8
non- 9 C9

What is the name for a nine carbon continuous chain alkane?

What is the name for a nine-carbon continuous-chain alkane? nonane. What is the name for a ten-carbon continuous-chain alkane? decane. In a condensed structural formula, each carbon atom is.

What is the name of an alkane made of 9 carbon atom?

Longer chains are named as follows: pentane (five-carbon chain), hexane (6), heptane (7), octane (8), nonane (9), and decane (10). These prefixes can be seen in the names of the alkanes described in Table 1.

What are the prefixes for alkanes?

The “-ane” signifies that this is a carbon chain with only single bonds, or a saturated carbon chain. For example, a saturated carbon chain with six carbons would have the prefix “hex” added onto “-ane.” This chain would be called hexane….3.1 Naming Alkanes.

# of Carbons Prefix
3 Prop
4 But
5 Pent
6 Hex

What are the prefixes for carbon compounds?


prefix number of carbons alkyl group
eth- 2 ethyl
prop- 3 propyl
but- 4 butyl
pent- 5 pentyl

How do you name alkane nomenclature?

IUPAC Rules for Alkane Nomenclature

  1. Find and name the longest continuous carbon chain.
  2. Identify and name groups attached to this chain.
  3. Number the chain consecutively, starting at the end nearest a substituent group.
  4. Designate the location of each substituent group by an appropriate number and name.

What is prefix of alkene?

Alkenes are named by adding the -ene suffix to the prefix associated with the number of carbon atoms present in the molecule. A number and dash before the name denote the number of the carbon atom in the chain that begins the double bond.

What is the prefix for a carbon chain?

Number of Carbons Prefix Structure
1 Methane CH4
2 Ethane CH3CH3
3 Propane CH3CH2CH3
4 Butane CH3(CH2)2CH3

What is the prefix for 11 carbons?


Number of carbons 1 11
Prefix Meth Undec

What is the name of a 7 carbon alkane?

List of straight-chain alkanes

Number of C atoms Number of isomers Name of straight chain
4 2 n-butane
5 3 n-pentane
6 5 n-hexane
7 9 n-heptane