What is the politically correct term for freshman?
What is the politically correct term for freshman?
Amid growing calls for greater gender inclusivity on campus, Yale College administrators are moving to replace the term “freshman” with the gender-neutral term “first-year.”
What is wrong with the word freshman?
“… many terms in our lexicon carry a strong male-centric, binary character to them. Terms such as ‘freshman’ are decidedly male-specific, while terms such as ‘upperclassmen’ can be interpreted as both sexist and classist.
Which is correct freshman or freshmen?
“Freshman” is the singular noun: “Birgitta is a freshman at Yale.” “Freshmen” is the plural: “Patricia and Patrick are freshmen at Stanford.” But the adjective is always singular: ”Megan had an interesting freshman seminar on Romanesque architecture at Sarah Lawrence.” BUY THE BOOK!
Is freshman a proper word?
This is also true for other college and high school levels such as sophomore, junior, and senior. However, the word “freshman” becomes a proper noun and thus capitalized when used in the name of an organized group or entity such as “Freshman Class of 2023.”
What is the new word for freshman?
first year
America’s prestigious Yale University has decided to replace terms such as “freshman” and “upperclassman” with gender-neutral terms like “first year” and “upper-level students”.
Should freshman be capitalized?
Do not capitalize organized groups or classes of students, or the words freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate, when referring to the classification of the student.
Are freshmen outdated?
The word “freshman” is slowly being replaced by the term “first-year student” on college campuses. As more and more nontraditional students enroll in college, the word “freshman” does not adequately describe new students on campus. “First year” is a much more encompassing and flexible term.
Is 9th grade freshman or freshmen?
First year high school students High school first year students are almost exclusively referred to as freshmen, or in some cases by their grade year, 9th graders. Second year students are sophomores, or 10th graders, then juniors or 11th graders, and finally seniors or 12th graders.
Do you always capitalize freshman?
Are freshmen always capitalized?
Do not capitalize freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior when referring to individuals, but always capitalize names of organized entities: Sara is a junior this year.
What do you call a freshman in college?
The four years of undergraduate education are called: (1) freshman year, and someone in their first year is a freshman. You might sometimes hear this shortened to “frosh.” (2) sophomore year, and someone in their second year is a sophomore. Sometimes sophomore is shortened to “soph.”
Why is Penn State getting rid of freshman sophomore junior senior?
Penn State University is removing the terms freshman, sophomore, in an effort to rid course descriptions and materials of gendered terms. Penn State’s Faculty Senate voted on April 27 to approve bill AD84 on Preferred Name and Gender Identity Policy.