What is the poem Yet Do I Marvel by Countee Cullen about?

Countee Cullen is one of the most representative voices of the Harlem Renaissance. His life story is essentially a tale of youthful exuberance and talent of a star that flashed across the African American firmament and then sank toward the horizon.

What type of poem is Yet Do I Marvel?

What Is The Meter of Yet Do I Marvel? Yet Do I Marvel is a traditional 14 line sonnet with iambic pentameter the dominant meter (metre in British English) and consistent full end rhyme the norm. It is split into an octave (eight lines) and a quatrain (four lines) before the couplet concludes.

How does Cullen use this line to define the curious thing he mentioned in line 13?

He says it’s a “curious thing:/To make a poet black, and bid him sing!” So, the speaker can’t know why God made him or why God inspires him to “sing,” but this uncertainty is what fills him with a desire to “marvel.” And for this speaker, “marveling” is like the hokey-pokey of lifeā€”to wonder is the source of his desire …

What is the symbolic meaning of darkness from the Dark Tower?

The poem highlights the fact that racism and oppression keep Black Americans from benefiting from the fruits of their own labor.

What is the Dark Tower a metaphor for?

In the second half of the sonnet, the speaker uses a metaphor to depict the Black community. He describes the sky as black and how just because it’s dark doesn’t mean it’s any less beautiful or remarkable. Darkness has its pros, just as lightness does.

What paradox of social injustice is presented in these lines from county Collins from The Dark Tower?

Answer : The answer is- those who today enjoy power and prosperity may one day become subordinate to those they deem inferior. The poem talks about the practice of slavery, racial discrimination and the hardships faced by Black Americans when slavery was practiced.