What is the plural form of criterion?

noun. cri·​te·​ri·​on | \ krī-ˈtir-ē-ən also krə- \ plural criteria\ krī-​ˈtir-​ē-​ə also krə-​ \ also criterions.

What is the plural of roof in British English?

The standard plural form in BrE is roofs, but there is an occasional, and recognized, minority form rooves, which will disturb many people.

When did rooves become roofs?

Rooves as a plural for of roof is dated, but not incorrect. The Oxford English Dictionary lists “rooves” as an alternate to roofs, one of several outdated spellings used in the UK, and in New England as late as the 19th century. Um, as late as the 20th century, by my reading.

What’s another word for roof?

What is another word for roof?

awning canopy
ceiling cover
tent roofing
covering crown
cupola dome

Which is correct hoofs or hooves?

Nouns that take an S or ES to become plural are called regular nouns and nouns that become plural some other way are called irregular nouns. So hoofs is a regular plural and hooves is an irregular plural.

What is the plural of bamboo?

bamboo /bæmˈbuː/ noun. plural bamboos. bamboo.

Is criterion plural or singular?

Writing for Business Explanation: Criteria is plural, although the singular form, criterion, is much less often seen.

What is the singular and plural of criterion?

Criteria is typically a plural noun referring to standards on which a judgment can be made. Its singular is criterion, but evidence shows that criteria is frequently being used as a singular as well as a plural, much like data and agenda and their lesser-used singulars datum and agendum.

What is the singular form of roof?

Plural. roofs or rooves. Roofs. (countable) A roof is the top part of a building.