What is the past participle of run?

run ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

present tense
he/she/it runs
present participle running
past tense ran
past participle run

What is the third participle of run?

Similar verbs

Verb Simple past Past Participle
run ran run
shrink shrank shrunk
sing sang sung
sink sank sunk

What are the three verbs of run?

Conjugation of verb ‘Run’

V1 Base Form (Infinitive): To Run
V2 Past Simple: Ran
V3 Past Participle: Run
V4 3rd Person Singular: Runs
V5 Present Participle/Gerund: Running

Which word is the present participle of run?

Run verb forms

Infinitive Present Participle Past Participle
run running run

Is it have run or ran?

In standard English, the past participle form of run is always run. Ran is the simple past form. He has run, you have run, have you run?, has she run? Using ran as the past participle is quite common among English speakers.

Had ran or had run?

The past tense is “ran,” but the past participle is “run.” The sentences should read: I had run three miles before work that day.

Was ran or was run?

The present tense of run is run. The association members run a sloppy office. The past tense is ran. I ran out of patience.

Is run or ran past tense?

The present tense of run is run. The association members run a sloppy office. The past tense is ran.

Has been run or ran?

Had run or had ran?

The past tense is “ran,” but the past participle is “run.” The sentences should read: I had run three miles before work that day. I have ran 16 Boston marathons.

What mean ran?

Ran is the past tense of run.
