What is the password to the computer on Black Ops 1?

Call of Duty: Black Ops Terminal Usernames and Passwords

Name Username Password
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy jfkennedy LANCER
President Lyndon Baines Johnson lbjohnson LADYBIRD
President Richard Nixon rnixon CHECKERS
Richard Helms rhelms LEROSEY

How do you unlock all zombie maps on Call of Duty: Black Ops 1?

Interact with the computer to make a keyboard appear at the top right of the screen. Type 3ARC UNLOCK and press Enter to unlock all Zombie Mode maps.

Does Black Ops Cold War have an anti-cheat?

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is about to enter its final season following a year of integration with Warzone. With Vanguard releasing soon and the promise of a new Warzone map along with a brand new anti-cheat system that is set to clamp down on hackers, Black Ops Cold War fans are demanding the same treatment.

What code do you put in the computer on Black Ops?

Terminal Codes

  1. DOA – The code to unlock the Dead Ops Arcade game.
  2. 3ARC INTEL – Temporarily unlocks all the intel for viewing.
  3. 3ARC UNLOCK – Temporarily unlocks all levels in campaign and zombies mode.

How do you beat zombies Black Ops?

Unlock the cargo-blocked passage going upstairs.

  • Go through the Captain’s cabin and open the door at the end of it.
  • Go down exactly one floor and open the next door.
  • Go through the lounge until seeing the altar.
  • Proceed until reaching the outside of the ship.
  • Once on top of the ship,purchase the cargo-blocked passage leading to the catwalk.
  • What is the secret of Black Ops Zombies?

    There is always a secret song in every Zombies Map. For Kino Der Toten, you have to find the 3 Meteor rocks. The first is on a pedestal in the main lobby, in a corner behind the sofa. The second one is in the dressing room near some Dummies, this one is also on a pedestal. the final one is the room upstairs near the ally way.

    How do you unlock zombies in Black Ops?

    How do you unlock the 5 maps on Black Ops? “Five” is the sixth Zombies map, and the second in Call of Duty: Black Ops. The map is unlocked after completing the final campaign mission, “Redemption”, on any difficulty, or by entering the code ‘3ARC UNLOCK’ on the computer terminal in the main menu, which will also unlock Dead Ops Arcade.

    How do you escape five in Black Ops Zombies?

    The map is missing from the Nintendo Wii version entirely.

  • The zombies will disappear into a ball of electricity if all the players take an elevator or the players go down before the power is turned on.
  • The name ” Five ” refers to both the DEFCON levels and the sides of the Pentagon.