What is the output of an op-amp comparator?

The open-loop op-amp comparator is an analogue circuit that operates in its non-linear region as changes in the two analogue inputs, V+ and V- causes it to behave like a digital bistable device as triggering causes it to have two possible output states, +Vcc or -Vcc.

What is output impedance op-amp?

Output impedance is defined as the ratio of the output voltage to the input current. The output impedance of an ideal op amp is zero, however, real op amps have an output impedance of 10-20 kΩ. An ideal op amp behaves like a perfect voltage source delivering current without any internal losses.

Do op amps have output impedance?

An ideal op-amp has zero output impedance. This means that the output voltage is independent of output current. Real, physical op-amps only approximate this ideal and have very large input impedance and very low output impedance.

What is comparator output?

A comparator is an electronic circuit, which compares the two inputs that are applied to it and produces an output. The output value of the comparator indicates which of the inputs is greater or lesser.

How does comparator get high rate of accuracy?

How to obtain high rate of accuracy in comparator? Explanation: High voltage gain causes comparator output voltage to switch between saturation levels. High CMRR rejects noise at input terminal and input offset (voltage & current) help to keep changes in temperature variation very slight.

Why Opamp has high impedance and low output impedance?

Op amps have high input impedance and low output impedance because of the concept of a voltage divider, which is how voltage is divided in a circuit depending on the amount of impedance present in given parts of a circuit. Op amps are voltage gain devices.

Why is high output impedance good?

The high impedance ensures that it draws very little current. It is the amplifier’s task to convert a low energy, voltage-driven signal into a higher-voltage output signal. Low impedance circuits can be dangerous because of the high current draw that they produce. Op amps avoid this by having very high input impedance.