What is the origin of the word remonstrate?
What is the origin of the word remonstrate?
Remonstrate has its roots in a Latin verb meaning “to show,” and it used to mean “to make plain.” Which is why remonstrate is a word that puts the glow of respectability on the action of yelling at someone or telling them that they’re wrong.
What is the meaning of word remonstrate?
verb (used with object), re·mon·strat·ed, re·mon·strat·ing. to say or plead in protest, objection, or disapproval. Obsolete. to show. verb (used without object), re·mon·strat·ed, re·mon·strat·ing. to present reasons in complaint; plead in protest.
How do you use remonstrate in a sentence?
Remonstrate sentence example Gilman had begun to remonstrate with Miss Sullivan on the ground that I was working too hard, and in spite of my earnest protestations, he reduced the number of my recitations. Walking by the river I paused to remonstrate gently with a fisherman.
What is the synonym of remonstrate?
censure. verbcondemn; criticize severely. abuse. admonish. animadvert.
Where did the word ruthless come from?
Ruthful, meaning merciful or full of sorrow, can be found back to the 13th century in English. Ruthless, meaning having no compassion or pity, goes back to the 14th century. Interestingly, the word “ruth” is related to the very old Germanic verb “rue.”
What does it mean to expostulate?
Definition of expostulate transitive verb. obsolete : discuss, examine. intransitive verb. : to reason earnestly with a person for purposes of dissuasion or remonstrance.
What is government remonstrance?
REMONSTRANCE. A petition to a court, or deliberative or legislative body, in which those who have signed it request that something which it is in contemplation to perform shall not be done.
What does remonstrance mean in history?
1 : an earnest presentation of reasons for opposition or grievance especially : a document formally stating such points.
What is a remonstrance in law?
remonstrance n : an earnest presentation of reasons in opposition to something. ;specif. : a document formally stating points of opposition or grievance.
How do you use remonstrance in a sentence?
Our protests were treated as waste paper and our remonstrances mingled with the air. We have not always been successful in our remonstrances. He paid no heed to the remonstrances or to the experience of those who had to perform the work.
Does ruthless mean without Ruth?
Ruthless can be defined as “without ruth” or “having no ruth.” So what, then, is ruth?
Is Ruth the opposite of ruthless?
Ruthful, meaning merciful or full of sorrow, can be found back to the 13th century in English. Ruthless, meaning having no compassion or pity, goes back to the 14th century. Interestingly, the word “ruth” is related to the very old Germanic verb “rue.” Rue means to affect with sorrow or to grieve.