What is the order of the Tales of games?

Main series

1995 Tales of Phantasia
2000 Tales of Eternia
2002 Tales of Destiny 2
2003 Tales of Symphonia

Is Tales of Arise a sequel to Zestiria?

As these three titles are part of an ongoing JRPG series, some similarities are to be expected. Tales of Arise notably takes huge gameplay inspiration from Tales of Zestiria with a more Berseria-like control scheme, but the connections go further than that.

Is there a new Tales game coming out?

The next game in the franchise, “Tales of Luminaria,” is coming, and there’s already a lot of information about it available to keep fans engaged since it was first announced at Gamescom 2021 in August.

What’s after Tales of Zestiria?

Tales of Berseria – Takes place in the distant past of Tales of Zestiria.

Do I need to play the Tales games in order?

Fortunately, players don’t need to play any other games before starting Tales of Arise. The game is a standalone adventure and isn’t a sequel or prequel to any other titles in the Tales series. The Tales series is similar to Final Fantasy in that each game is self-contained.

Should I play Tales of games in order?

Is vesperia a prequel?

The film is the prequel to the Namco Tales Studio’s role-playing game Tales of Vesperia and the first animated feature film in the Tales series. Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike revolves around the two knights, Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo, from the Niren Corps as they protect a town from monsters with their allies.

Is Berseria a prequel to Zestiria?

It bears noting that Tales of Berseria is a prequel to 2015’s Tales of Zestiria, set in the distant past of the same world. You don’t need to have played Tales of Zestiria to enjoy Berseria, but you will miss out on plenty of “Ah-ha!” moments.

Will there be a Tales of Berseria 2?

There won’t be any sort of Tales of Berseria 2 with same characters. But if you want a sequel, Tales of Zestiria is the sequel but with different characters because it takes place 1000 years after the events of Berseria.