What is the opposite of disparagement?

Opposite of to regard or represent as being of little worth. praise. acclaim. applaud. exalt.

What is the meaning of disparagement?

Legal Definition of disparagement 1 : the publication of false and injurious statements that are derogatory of another’s property, business, or product.

What is a antonym for grievance?

Opposite of a complaint or expression of grievance. exultation. rejoicing. joy. happiness.

What is a synonym for disparagement?

Some common synonyms of disparage are belittle, decry, and depreciate. While all these words mean “to express a low opinion of,” disparage implies depreciation by indirect means such as slighting or invidious comparison. disparaged polo as a game for the rich.

What are two antonyms for depose?

antonyms for depose

  • allow.
  • obey.
  • promote.
  • upgrade.

How do you use disparage?

Disparage in a Sentence ?

  1. It is never right to disparage people based on ethnicity.
  2. You disparage my brother by saying he is worthless?
  3. I cannot believe that you belittle and disparage people who have little in common with you.
  4. Spreading false rumors about Judy will unfairly disparage her reputation.

What is the synonym of grievance?

Some common synonyms of grievance are injury, injustice, and wrong. While all these words mean “an act that inflicts undeserved hurt,” grievance applies to a circumstance or condition that constitutes an injustice to the sufferer and gives just ground for complaint. a list of employee grievances.

What are the antonyms of mandate?

antonyms for mandate

  • breach.
  • break.
  • denial.
  • question.
  • refusal.
  • request.
  • veto.

What is antonyms and synonyms with example?

Think about the word fair. Its synonym would be equal because fair and equal have the same meaning. The antonym for fair would be unfair — the opposite meaning.

Which is the closest antonym for the word disapproval?


  • sympathy.