What is the oldest message in a bottle ever found?

A Perth family has found the world’s oldest known message in a bottle, almost 132 years after it was thrown into the sea, Australian experts say. Tonya Illman picked up the bottle while going for a walk around sand dunes on a remote beach in West Australia.

Has a message in a bottle been found?

Beachgoer Tonya Illman found the old gin bottle with a rolled-up message in January 2018, 50 meters (164 feet) from the shoreline at the high water mark on Wedge Island. Even though it was missing a cork, surprisingly both the bottle and its contents were largely unscathed.

What did the first message in a bottle say?

As of March 2018, the oldest message in a bottle ever found was 132 years old when it was discovered. Tonya Illman was simply walking among sand dunes in Western Australia with a friend when she discovered a very old gin bottle that she thought “would be nice for her bookshelf,” according to the BBC.

How long can a message in a bottle last?

“It looks like it would take a bottle about three years to circulate around the Baltic,” Peacock says. “So we’re basically saying that, over 100 years, it would have made something like 30 trips.”

Can you throw bottle messages into ocean?

While a message in a bottle carried thousands of kilometres across the waves, as Hackett’s have, may be a romantic notion, it’s also an outdated one — and contributes to ocean pollution, according to Tony Walker, an assistant professor at the School for Resource and Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University in …

WHO has sent a message in a bottle the furthest?

The longest known single journey was that of a Doctor Who postcard in a bottle, thrown into the sea at Tyne and Wear in 2011. This turned up 17 months later in Perth, Western Australia – over 14,500km away.

What are the odds of finding a message in a bottle?

By Buffington’s estimate, just one in 300,000 washed-up bottles contains a message. But more than luck led to his findings. The Turks and Caicos islands are a “flotsam magnet,” says Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an oceanographer who studies the movement patterns of ocean debris. “Many different (current) pathways lead there.”

What is the message in the bottle health?

Message in a bottle encourages people living on their own to keep their basic personal and medical details in a small plastic bottle in their fridge. If the emergency services are called to your home, they can quickly find vital information about your health.

What is the farthest a message in a bottle has Travelled?

Where will my message in a bottle go?

As messages in bottles follow the seas’ current patterns, so do billions of pounds of trash and microplastics. Generally, the places where messages in bottles tend to collect are also major landing zones for garbage.

Do people still send messages in a bottle?

Outside science, people have launched bottled messages to find pen pals, “bottle preachers” have sent “sermon bottles”, propaganda-bearing bottles have been directed at foreign shores, and survivors have sent poetic loving tributes to departed loved ones or sent their cremated remains (ashes) on a final journey.

How do you send a message in a bottle to the sea?


  1. A cork is preferred because it probably will not disintegrate while in the sea.
  2. Wax paper can be placed around the paper message inside the bottle to ensure that it is waterproof.
  3. Choose a bottle with an interesting color because it will make your bottle more attractive and noticeable.