What is the OD of 2 3 8 tubing?

4.70 lb/ft
Tubing Mechanical Properties and Specifications

Open PDF OD (in) Grade
OD: 2 3/8 in Connection: EUE (8RD)
L-80 4.70 lb/ft 3.063 in
View Spec
OD: 2 3/8 in Connection: EUE (8RD)

What is the ID of 2 7 8 7.9 tubing?

2-7/8″ PH6 7.90# P-110 Tubing.

What do the digits in the tubing specification represent?

Tubing is specified by grade, outer diameter, weight, and connection. API tubing grades correspond to casing grades with the exception that P grade tubing has a tensile strength of 105,000 psi and is referred to as P105.

What is EUE tubing?

Upset Tubing (EUE) is a long tubing with joint installed in a wellbore to facilitate the extraction of oil and gas.

What is API 5CT specification?

API 5CT is standard technical specifications for steel casing and tubing pipes used for oil wells in petroleum and natural gas industries.

How do you calculate tubing stretch?

Total Elongation is simply calculated by adding the components of elongation. Thus the total elongation is given by: S TOTAL = S tubing weight + S chemical weight + S pump force + S thermal S TOTAL = 16.2 ft + 2.2 ft + 0.2 ft + 16.8 ft .

What is the difference between N 80 and L 80 tubing?

The N80 grade is normally less expensive than L80 grades. L80—A restricted yield-tubing grade that is available in Type 1, 9 Cr, or 13 Cr. Type 1 is less expensive than 9 Cr and 13 Cr but more subject to weight-loss corrosion. L80 Type 1 is used commonly in many oil and gas fields because of higher strength than J55.

What is the OD of 3/8 pipe?

Pipe Size Chart

Nominal O.D. Inches 80s & E.H.
3/8 .675 .126
1/2 .840 .147
3/4 1.050 .154

What is the ID of 2 inch pipe?

Select Schedule:

Pipe Size OD ID
2″ 2.375 1.503
2 1/2″ 2.875 2.635
