What is the normal red blood cell count in cattle?

Table 2.

Variable Unit Median (range)
RBC-I ×1012/L 6.3 (4.3–8.8)
RBC-O ×1012/L 6.2 (4.3–8.6)
HCT L/L 0.31 (0.20–0.41)

What is the normal white blood cell count for cattle?

Results: The WBC count reference interval (ie, mean ± 2 SD) for BLV-seronegative dairy cows was 2,153 to 11,493 cells/μL.

What are bovine red blood cells?

Bovine red blood cells are similar to cats and horses with regard to size and degree of anisocytosis but they are resistant to rouleaux formation. The latter characteristic is the reason that cow blood is very slow to settle out on standing. Bovine red blood cells have a small area of or no central pallor.

What is the life span of red blood cells in cattle?

130–160 days
The key function of erythrocytes is the transport of oxygen, which is bound to hemoglobin. Erythropoiesis, which takes approximately 5 days, is stimulated by erythropoietin and occurs in the bone marrow parenchyma. Bovine erythrocytes have a relatively long life span of 130–160 days.

How do you treat anemia in cattle?

Anaemia due to Theileria orientalis remains a frustrating disease in the North Coast LLS region for both producers and veterinarians with treatment options limited. Treatments used most commonly include oxytetracyclines and imidocarb, some veterinarians are using Baycox (Toltrazuril, Bayer) as a prophylactic.

What is the normal range of Haemoglobin content in calves male and female animals?

The haemoglobin content in cow is few units higher than in human beings it is 40.1 units, while in calves the value is about 1-1.5 units more than in cow. In males it is usually higher by 1-2%.

What is bovine blood?

Bovine blood is made up of 80.9% water, 17.3% protein, 0.23% fat, 0.07% carbohydrate, and 0.62% minerals (Alencar, 1983). Blood composition is similar to meat composition except for the iron (36.3 mg/100 g of blood), which is ∼10 times the concentration in meat (Wismer-Pedersen, 1979; Alencar, 1983).

Do cows have reticulocytes?

In health, cattle do not release reticulocytes from the bone marrow in significant numbers; normal erythrocyte maturation occurs in the bone marrow. Low numbers of circulating reticulocytes (approximately 1% or greater) are associated with a regenerative response to anemia.

How do you know if a cow is anemic?

The disease is known as bovine anaemia. Signs are those associated with severe anaemia and include: lethargy, lack of appetite, exercise intolerance (weak cattle that lag behind the mob if moved). If forced to run they may stagger and gasp for breath and some may collapse and die. Their gums will be pale and/or yellow.

What causes a cow to be anemic?

Possible causes of blood loss are bleeding abomasal ulcers, parasitism such as haemonchosis, fascioliasis and ticks, injuries severing blood vessels or rupturing the liver or spleen, and surgical procedures such as dehorning, castration or spaying.

What is the normal range of haemoglobin content in an animal like cow?

Solution : The normal range of haemoglobin content in cattle is 10.4-16.4 g/dl.