What is the normal BPD at 20 weeks?

Track your pregnancy

Weeks BPD (mm) AC (mm)
18.5 41.3 130.7
19 43.0 136.9
19.5 44.7 143.0
20 46.4 149.1

What is the fetal weight at 20 weeks?

about 9 to 11 ounces pound
At 20 weeks, your fetus is about the size of a bell pepper. By this stage your baby may weigh about 9 to 11 ounces pound and is over 6 inches long, crown to rump — you could cup your little guy in the palms of your hands. Check out the visual below for an illustration of what your little one might look like this week.

What is TCD in pregnancy ultrasound?

In obstetric imaging, the fetal transverse cerebellar diameter (TCD) is often measured as an additional fetal biometric parameter. It is measured as the maximal diameter between the cerebellar hemispheres on an axial scan.

What is normal EFW in pregnancy?

Fetal biometry measures were 124.9 (11.4) mm for abdominal circumference, 41.4 (2.3) mm for biparietal diameter, and 26.9 (2.0) mm for femur length. EFW at 16–20 weeks adjusted for gestational age was 234 (30) grams and birth weight adjusted for gestational age was 3518 (420) grams.

What are normal measurements at 20 week scan?

Calculating estimated fetal weight (EFW)

Gestational Age (Weeks) BPD Abdominal Circumference
19 weeks 46 141
20 weeks 49 152
21 weeks 52 164
22 weeks 55 175

Does BPD indicate gender?

The mean gestational age at BPD measurement was 19.5 weeks. There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics in pregnancies with male and female fetuses. Female fetuses had significantly smaller mean BPD compared to male fetuses at all gestational ages examined.

What should TCD be at 20 weeks?

Ultrosonographic measurement of Transverse cerebellar diameter (TCD) was done to assess the Gestational age. Mean TCD was 17.32 mm in 14–20 weeks of gestation, 26.63 mm in 21–30 weeks and 40.73mm in 31–40 weeks.

What is a normal nuchal fold?

The nuchal fold is a normal fold of skin at the back of a baby’s neck. This can be measured between 15 to 22 weeks in pregnancy as part of a routine prenatal ultrasound. Follow-up is offered when the nuchal fold is thick (6 mm or more). Many healthy babies have thick nuchal folds.

What should be EFW at 21 weeks?

By 21 weeks, your baby weighs around 350g. From about this stage onwards, your baby will weigh more than the placenta, which, until now, was heavier than your baby. The placenta will keep growing throughout pregnancy, but not as fast as your baby.

How much should a 21 week fetus weigh?

Week 21. By the 21st week of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 400 grams and is poised to gain more weight. At this stage, the baby weighs more than the placenta (which had previously weighed more than the baby).