What is the new military physical fitness test?

The Army Combat Fitness Test. The Army Combat Fitness Test has been revised to take into account gender and age in assessing fitness levels. Changes include gender- and age-normed scoring scales, a plank as the sole exercise to assess core strength, and a 2.5 mile walk as an alternative aerobic activity.

Why did the Army change the PT test?

the change is based on the Army’s independent analysis and the RAND study was that a gender-neutral test might not accurately measure all Soldiers’ general physical fitness levels. Key changes for the ACFT will serve as a general physical fitness test with age and gender performance-normed scoring scales.

What is the 2-mile run time for the Army?

To pass the two-mile APFT run requirement, you need to score at least a 60. That means, if you’re between the ages of 17-26, you have to finish running two miles in under 17 minutes or you fail that portion of the test. 2.

Is the ACFT gender neutral?

Age, Gender Scoring The scoring was initially envisioned to be age- and gender-neutral. But just like the old test it replaces, the ACFT is adopting scoring that fluctuates for different age bands and gender, according to Brig. Gen. Scott Naumann, the director of training.

Is the Army getting rid of the ACFT?

“Put the test on the calendar and make sure your Soldiers have a solid training plan.” Grinston said while Regular Army Soldiers can be flagged beginning October 1, 2022 for failing the ACFT, no Regular Army Soldier will be separated solely for ACFT failure until April 2023.

Did the ACFT get rid of leg tucks?

April 1, 2022 – The Army will implement the new version of the ACFT. The leg tuck will no longer be a tested event and scoring will be based on gender and age. Testing will be diagnostic only for all active duty, Guard and Reserve troops. Scores will not be used for favorable or unfavorable action.

Was the leg tuck removed from the ACFT?

The leg tuck is no longer an event — the plank, with a newly lowered standard, is the only core event. A 2.5-mile walk has been added as an alternate aerobic event for troops whose medical profiles prevent them from running. The ACFT will not immediately impact personnel actions.

What happens if you fail ACFT 2022?

If they fail during that period, soldiers will be flagged. For the service’s part-time soldiers, the record testing period will begin on April 1, 2023, and troops will have a year to pass an ACFT, or else they will be flagged until separations come into play for them on April 1, 2024.