What is the name of the traditional Greek dance?

Sirtaki, also spelled syrtaki, is probably one of the most famous Greek dances known around the world. However, few people know that sirtaki only dates back to the 1960s. In fact, eminent Greek musician Mikis Theodorakis created the dance for the movie Zorba the Greek.

When was kalamatianos made?

In 1803 the surviving women of the war-torn town of Souli, faced with capture by Turkish troops, danced the syrtos as they threw themselves off the mountain of Zálongo. The kalamatianos, a form of the syrtos and a profoundly popular national dance, is frequently danced to the ballad of Zálongo.

What is the oldest Greek dance?

Syrtos is known as the oldest form of folk dancing, yet is also the most popular today.

How many types of Greek dances are there?

There are over 10,000 traditional dances that come from all regions of Greece.

How old is Kalamatianos?

It’s considered the most ancient of Greek dances, going back possibly 2500 years.

Where does the Kalamatiano come from?

The Kalamatianós (Greek: Καλαματιανός) is one of the best known dances of Greece. It is a popular Greek folkdance throughout Greece, Cyprus and internationally and is often performed at many social gatherings worldwide.

What is Hormos dance?

The ancient Spartans had a dance called ορμος hormos, which was a syrto style dance described in detail by Xenophon where a woman led a male into dance using a handkerchief. Lucian states that the ormos dance was performed in an open circle and was done by young men and women.

How do Apollonian dance and the Dionysian dance differ?

Apollonian involves stillness and thinking. Dionysian involves movement, dancing, individual and collective trance and ecstasy.

What is Greek Sirtaki?

Sirtaki or syrtaki (Greek: συρτάκι) is a dance of Greek origin, choreographed for the 1964 film Zorba the Greek. It is a recent Greek folkdance, and a mixture of “syrtos” and the slow and fast rhythms of the hasapiko dance.