What is the name for stretch marks?

Stretch marks are irregular areas of skin that look like bands, stripes, or lines. Stretch marks are seen when a person grows or gains weight rapidly or has certain diseases or conditions. The medical name for stretch marks is striae.

What are these stretch marks on my arm?

They’re lesions (damaged areas) on your skin caused by too much stretching. Your skin contains fibers called collagen and elastin. They give your skin elasticity and firmness. When your body grows quickly, your skin sometimes can’t accommodate that growth without the fibers tearing, which leaves stretch marks.

What are different types of stretch marks?

Types of stretch marks can be broken down into two main stage classifications based on their formation and appearance :

  • Striae rubrae: Pink / red stretch marks.
  • Striae albae: White stretch marks.

What do stretch marks on a girl mean?

Stretch marks are fine lines in the skin that happen when quick growth or weight gain stretches the skin (like during puberty). Skin is usually fairly stretchy, but when it’s overstretched, the normal production of collagen (the major protein that makes up the tissue in skin) is disrupted.

What do purple stretch marks mean?

Although purple stretch marks are physically harmless, they can be a source of significant anxiety and affect your quality of life. If you have stretch marks, and they make you uncomfortable or affect your self-esteem, talk to your doctor or dermatologist.

Do stretch marks fade?

Stretch marks usually fade over time but may not disappear completely. Many creams and lotions claim to prevent, reduce or remove stretch marks. But there’s very little evidence these work. There are some treatments that may help make stretch marks look better, but they will not get rid of them.

Are stretch marks genetic?

Yes, there is a genetic link to stretch marks, so if your mama or sister had them, you are more likely to get them too. You’re not alone though, mama – over 90% of women will get them towards the later stages of pregnancy. However just as with wrinkles and eye bags, we can do our best to battle our genes.

Do teenage stretch marks go away?

Stretch marks are a normal part of growing for many men and women. They can occur during puberty, pregnancy, or rapid muscle or weight gain. Stretch marks are not likely to go away on their own. However, there are ways that you can lessen their appearance.

What do different colored stretch marks mean?

Basically, their appearance differs depending on how old they are and how long they’ve existed. Stretch marks that are red or purple in appearance are newer stretch marks, typically less than a year old. The look red because they are freshly forming and the blood vessels under the skin give them that red color.