What is the most popular Goldendoodle color?

The most popular Goldendoodle color is apricot, followed by cream and red. Sables are also in demand even though they are not of the same level as the three shades mentioned above. Since these colors are desired by many, expect that they are a bit more expensive than their other cousins.

What is a Blue Merle Goldendoodle?

Merles are a marbled looking coat, and can come in “blue merle”, “sable merle” and “chocolate merle”. These puppies can also often times have blue or partially blue eyes. These can also come in variations of phantom, parti, and tri-colored. ​ Goldendoodle.

What is Blue Merle color?

What Color is a Blue Merle? A blue merle is actually a black dog whose coloring has been genetically diluted. Parts of his black coat remain intact, while other parts take on a bluish-grey color. Patches of solid color are normally irregular in shape and are located anywhere on the dog’s body.

What is a blue doodle?

The “blue” color of a Poodle or doodle is used to describe those pups who fade or mature to a color somewhere between black and silver and could also be described as a very dark gray.

Can a Goldendoodle be a blue merle?

Merle Goldendoodles come in two colors: Blue and chocolate/red. When the Merle gene dilutes a black coat, we get a blue Merle Goldendoodle. Blue Merle is a rare and popular coat for Goldendoodles.

Why is my Goldendoodles skin blue?

Unfortunately, the most common cause of cyanosis is lung disease, which is usually advanced by the time your dog shows any of the symptoms. Blue skin and mucus membranes in a dog characterized by a blue or purplish-red tint seen in the dog’s inner cheeks and gums.

What is a F2 Goldendoodle?

When an (F1) Goldendoodle + (F1) Goldendoodle are bred you get an F2 Goldendoodle which simply means that two existing 50/50 hybrids were bred. When two F2 Goldendoodles are bred, you get an F3 Goldendoodle which simply means that the F3’s parents and grandparents were both Goldendoodles.

Is my dog a blue merle?

Blue merles can exhibit a range of coat markings. Some blue merle dogs will have a mostly gray-blue coat with a few small, black patches. The most common merle pattern and the one described in most breed standards is a coat that is approximately 50 percent merle, or gray-blue, and 50 percent black patches.

How do I know if my dog is a blue merle?

In blue merle dogs, the color is mottled black atop black-and-white dilute hair. In red merles, the color is a mottled brown on top of lighter brown hair. You’ll still see patches of undiluted pigment over the dog’s body. The merle gene seems to affect mostly the black pigment.