What is the most common location for a Bankart lesion?

Abstract. Osseous Bankart lesions are seen in approximately 50% of shoulders with traumatic anterior shoulder instability.

What is a Bankart lesion?

A glenoid labrum tear in the anterior joint is called a Bankart lesion. When the labrum is torn, the shoulder joint is less stable, and allows the humeral head to move around more than normal. Posterior dislocation (when the arm is forced backwards) can also lead to a tear in the labrum, though less commonly.

Can a Bankart tear heal on its own?

If the injury is a minor Bankart tear with a dislocation, the physician (or even a team coach or patient themselves) can usually pop the shoulder back into place – a process called reduction – and then follow up with physical therapy to strengthen the muscles.

How common are Bankart lesions?

Among the associated lesions, Bankart lesions had the highest prevalence and were found in all the patients. The second most frequent type was Hill-Sachs lesions, in 71.9% of the patients….Table 1.

Lesion n %
Rotator cuff lesion 1 1.8

How do I know if I have a Bankart lesion?

A Bankart lesion is the name for a tear that happens in the lower rim of the labrum. Once the labrum is torn, it’s much easier for the humerus to slip out of its socket. You may also have pain and feel as if your shoulder is slipping out of place.

Is a Bankart lesion painful?

A bony Bankart lesion shows besides the soft tissue damage also a fracture of the anteroinferior glenoid rim. Patients with a Bankart lesion are recognized by shoulder pain which is not localized in a specific point and the pain gets worse when the arm is held behind the back.

What are the characteristics of a Bankart lesion?

Characteristics/Clinical. A soft tissue Bankart lesion is an anteroinferior labrum avulsion damage of the glenoid rim. The posterior capsule may be stretched and the inferior glenuhumeral ligament is torn.. A bony Bankart lesion shows besides the soft tissue damage also a fracture of the anteroinferior glenoid rim.

When is non-surgical treatment indicated for a Bankart lesion?

Non-Surgical Treatment For older patients, or those who are less active, non-surgical treatment is recommended for a Bankart lesion.

How common are Bankart and Hill-Sachs lesions?

Impaction fracture of the anteroinferior glenoid margin commonly co-occurs. “Soft” Bankart lesions are more common than “bony” Bankart lesions 5 . The same mechanism of compression can result in a Hill-Sachs lesion. Bankart and Hill-Sachs lesions are 11x more likely to occur together than isolated injuries 5.

What is a bony Bankart lesion on the glenoid?

Bony bankart lesions: A bony bankart lesion basically means that there is a fracture of the glenoid rim in addition to the soft tissue damage. What are the symptoms of a bankart lesion?