What is the most common complication of a venipuncture collection?

Results: Minor bruising and hematoma were fairly common, involving 12.3% of venipunctures, with minor bruising being the most common reaction. Serious complications were observed in 3.4% of patients.

What are 3 complications that can occur with a venipuncture procedure?

Complications that can arise from venepuncture include haematoma forma- tion, nerve damage, pain, haemaconcentration, extra- vasation, iatrogenic anaemia, arterial puncture, pete- chiae, allergies, fear and phobia, infection, syncope and fainting, excessive bleeding, edema and thrombus.

What are the complications encountered during blood draw?

A blood draw may be painful and can make you faint. The possible risks associated with blood drawing are pain, bleeding, fainting, bruising, infection and/or hematoma (blood clot under the skin) at the injection site.

What are the errors that can occur in a venipuncture procedure?

Abstract. The author identifies four errors in phlebotomy that are effectively indefensible in a court of law: patient misidentification, improper angle of insertion, improper vein selection, and ineffective training and evaluation of those performing venipunctures.

What are the most common errors in specimen collection?

Two of the most common errors that occur during specimen collection and handling are clotting and inaccurate volume. Exposure to temperature extremes may also cause specimens to be rejected for testing. Clotting compromises the integrity of a specimen, making it unsatisfactory for testing.

How can complications of venipuncture be prevented?

To avoid the needle from being inserted too deeply, short needles such as butterfly needles may be preferred. Although probing is a very dangerous procedure which must be avoided, re-direction of the needle is an acceptable procedure if it is performed once per venipuncture.

What are the sources of error during blood collection?

Common errors in blood sample collection include in- correct identification, wrong tube, insufficient sample quantity, clot- ting, hemolysis, and contamination. Unlike some other errors, mislabel- ing of blood samples is 100% pre- ventable.

What is the most common error in phlebotomy?

Common Mistakes Phlebotomy Technicians Should Avoid

  • Drawing blood from the wrong patient. This may be one of the rarest mistakes but misidentifying patients do happen.
  • Labeling mistake.
  • Lack of knowledge in using equipment properly.
  • Poor phlebotomy techniques.

What factors may have contributed to the specimen collection difficulties?

What factors may have contributed to the specimen collection difficulties? Improper direction of puncture and the presence of alcohol residue may have contributed to the blood running down the finger instead of forming drops, making it hard to collect the specimen.

What precautions and errors are detected while collecting blood?

To prevent hemolysis (which can interfere with many tests): Avoid drawing blood from a hematoma. Avoid drawing the plunger back too forcefully, if using a needle and syringe, or too small a needle, and avoid frothing of the sample. Make sure the venipuncture site is dry. Avoid a probing, traumatic venipuncture.

What are the causes of failure to draw blood in venipuncture?

If you have been to a clinic or lab before and had the phlebotomist stick you more than once for a blood draw, you may have been told that you are a “difficult stick.” This can happen to people for quite a few different reasons, including small or deep veins, rolling veins, dehydration, collapsing veins, constricted …

What are the most common error in specimen collection?