What is the most common cause of leukocoria?

Some of the common causes of Leukocoria are:

  • Retinoblastoma.
  • Coats disease.
  • Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)
  • Persistent fetal vasculature (PFV)
  • Ocular toxocariasis and toxoplasmosis.
  • Astrocytic hamartoma.
  • Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy (FEVR)
  • Vitreous hemorrhage.

What are the differential diagnosis of leukocoria?

These include persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV), Coats’ disease, ocular toxocariasis, retinopathy of prematurity, retinal hamartomas (Bourneville’s tuberous sclerosis, von Recklinhausen’s disease), congenital falciform fold or organized vitreous hemorrhage (Howard and Ellsworth 1965a; Shields, Shields et …

How do you detect leukocoria?

Sometimes leukocoria is detected from photographs using a flash when one pupil has an abnormal or “white reflex” compared to the other eye having a normal “red reflex.” Lastly, a routine pediatrician exam can catch leukocoria, specifically when they look into the eyes with a special instrument called an ophthalmoscope.

Can leukocoria be normal?

The photographs were all found to be approximately 15° off axis, with the leukocoria seen in the eyes where the flash illuminated the nasal retina. This is known as photoleukocoria and it is normal.

Is leukocoria an emergency?

The detection of leukocoria in a pediatric patient is therefore considered an ocular emergency that requires urgent evaluation by an ophthalmologist. Usually it is the parents who are the first to notice the strange appearance of their child’s eye.

What is Norrie disease?

Norrie disease (ND; OMIM 310600) is a rare X-linked recessive disorder resulting from a mutation in the the Norrin cystine knot growth factor gene also referred to as Norrie Disease Pseudoglioma (NDP) gene that is involved in retinal cell development and blood flow to the inner ear and retina..

Does glaucoma cause leukocoria?

Leukocoria (also white pupillary reflex) is an abnormal white reflection from the retina of the eye. Leukocoria resembles eyeshine, but leukocoria can also occur in animals that lack eyeshine because their retina lacks a tapetum lucidum….Leukocoria.

Specialty Ophthalmology, pediatrics

What does a white pupil mean?

The normal appearance of the pupil of the human eye is black. The appearance of a white pupil is never a normal condition and requires immediate evaluation by specialists trained in ophthalmology. A cloudy cornea or cataract may be mistaken for a white pupil, but usually a white pupil is due to infection or disease.

What white pupils mean?