What is the most beautiful national anthem in the world?

“Please Rise for Our National Anthem” – 10 Beautiful National Anthems from Around the Globe

  • Nepal’s We Are Hundreds of Flowers.
  • Mauritania’s National Anthem.
  • Russia’s National Anthem.
  • Myanmar’s Until the End of the World.
  • Democratic Republic of Congo’s Arise Congolese.
  • China’s March of the Volunteers.

Which country has the most beautiful national anthem?

The best national anthems

  • Uruguay. Controversially, perhaps, it’s Uruguay that takes the top spot musically for David Mellor.
  • Poland.
  • Russia.
  • Switzerland.
  • Japan.
  • USA.
  • Germany.
  • France.

What 4 national anthems have no words?

And even having a national anthem without words can cause problems: Spain’s Marcha Real (Royal March) is one of only four anthems to have no official lyrics, the others being those of San Marino, Kosovo, and Bosnia and Herzogovina.

What is the weirdest national anthem?

Spain’s national anthem, the “Royal March,” is one of very few national anthems with no words at all. It was originally a military marching tune played on trumpets or fifes, and though there have historically been lyrics adopted and changed, since 1970 the anthem has been completely wordless.

Is there a country without a national anthem?

A number of nations remain without an official national anthem. In these cases, there are established de facto anthems played at sporting events or diplomatic receptions. These include the United Kingdom (“God Save the Queen”) and Sweden (Du gamla, Du fria).

Who messed up The Star Spangled Banner?

Rachel Platten, best known for “Fight Song,” messed up the national anthem not once, but twice, while performing before the NWSL soccer game between the Utah Royals and the Chicago Red Stars in April. She forgot the words and had to start over, asking the crowd for help.

What country has the longest national anthem?

Greece has the longest national anthem in the world. It has 158 stanzas.

What country has the strangest national anthem?

The anthem of Burkina Faso (a tiny landlocked country in western Africa), for example, jeers at the French and belittles them as “petty local servants,” Italy’s anthem accuses Austria of bloodthirstiness, and Vietnam’s anthem hates virtually everyone within missile reach of its shores.