What is the moral of Gym Candy?

Carl Deuker’s novel “Gym Candy” focuses around the rise and fall of high school football start Mick Johnson. The dominant and overarching theme that guides the entire work is substance abuse. In Mick’s case, the substances are performance enhancers.

What is the mood of the book Gym Candy?

Mood: the mood of the book is fast. Gym candy was a good book. liked how when mick made the mistake of taking the steroids he regretted it right away. One them through out the whole book is regret.

What is the conflict of Gym Candy?

The main conflict in Gym Candy, is man vs. self. In the novel, Mick has to deal with the stress of trying to be the best and eventually begins to take steroids. His addiction cuases him to go through deep depression and leads him to do things that he deply regrets afterwards.

Who are the main characters in Gym Candy?

Gym Candy Character Descriptions

  • Mick Johnson.
  • Mike Johnson.
  • Mick’s Mother.
  • Drew Carney.
  • DaShawn Free.
  • Matt Drager.
  • Kaylee Sullivan.
  • Coach Downs.

Is Gym Candy a movie?

Gym Candy (Short 2019) – IMDb.

How does the book Gym Candy end?

Mick takes out a pistol that he has brought and attempts to commit suicide. The bullet misses his brain due to a misfire and Mick survives. As the novel ends, he is in a twenty-day drug rehab center, unsure of whether he is grateful to be alive.

What is Gym Candy book about?

“Gym Candy” is a young adult novel about a fictional high school football hero named Mick Johnson. This novel, written by Carl Deuker, addresses issues surrounding the use of steroids — dubbed “gym candy”– by teenage athletes.

When was Gym Candy published?

2007Gym Candy / Originally published

Who is the antagonist in Gym Candy?

The major characters of “Gym Candy” include: Mick Johnson- the protagonist, and also the antagonist (Man vs. Self), of the book, who ages quickly at the beginning from a young boy to a high school student. Mick is the son of former NFL running back Mike Johnson, and, like his dad, Mick loves football.

What age is gym candy for?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9780547076317
Sales rank: 98,884
Product dimensions: 5.40(w) x 8.20(h) x 0.90(d)
Lexile: 710L (what’s this?)
Age Range: 12 – 17 Years

What is the meaning of gym Kandi?

Noun. gym candy (uncountable) (bodybuilding, slang) Steroids or other drugs taken to improve physical performance.

What is the summary of Gym Candy?

Carl Deuker’s novel “Gym Candy” details the rise and fall of high school football star Mick Johnson. Attending Shilshole High School in Seattle, Washington, Mick Johnson is the son of Mike Johnson, a former college star and NFL player whose career was ended by an injury.