What is the micro drilling?

Drilling specialists generally use the term “micro drilling” to describe the drilling of holes smaller than 3 mm in diameter. Successful micro drilling requires a sensitive machine with a precise spindle and low runout. With drills of this size, close attention must be paid to the appearance of wear indicators.

What are micro drills used for?

Micro Drills are the high performance drills that are utilized extensively in the medical, aerospace and machining industries. These high precision drills have a longer and more consistent tool life, eliminate peck drilling, and deliver precise finished hole position values.

Which is the machining used in micro drilling and narrow holes?

Generally, these TWO types of drills are mostly utilized by engineers in a micro-drilling process: gun drills and helical twist drills. Gun drills are applied for the machining of camshafts, driveshafts, injectors, crankshafts, drill pipes for oil production, in the medical and the food industry.

What is the smallest drill bit?

Number drill bit gauge sizes range from size 80 (the smallest) to size 1 (the largest) followed by letter gauge size A (the smallest) to size Z (the largest). Although the ASME B94. 11M twist drill standard, for example, lists sizes as small as size 97, sizes smaller than 80 are rarely encountered in practice.

What is EDM drilling?

EDM (Electrical discharge machining) drilling, also known as hole poppers, small hole drilling, fast hole drilling and start hole drilling is the process of drilling holes on an electrically conductive surface with an electrode tube, typically brass.

Which process is best suited for micro holes?

Laser drilling produces micro-hole as well as large size hole on workpiece. Laser percussion drilling is the micro-machining process for generating micro-hole of diameter less than 500 μm. During laser drilling the beam is normally stationary with respect to the work piece.

What is Micro Milling?

Micro milling is one of the micro mechanical machining processes and it is a downscaled process of the conventional (macro) milling. 3D micro parts with high aspect ratios and complex geometrical shapes in various engineering materials are manufactured with micro milling process.