What is the metal frame of a window called?

Rails are the horizontal window components of a sash. The two rails that meet in the middle of double hung and single hung windows are called check rails.

What are the different parts of a window frame called?

The frame has three main parts: the sill, or horizontal strip along the bottom of the frame; the jamb, the vertical sides of the frame; and the head, the top horizontal strip on the frame. The sash also has several components. Stiles are the vertical sections of the sash. Rails are the horizontal sections.

What holds a window frame in place?

The sash is the frame that consists of the rails running along the top and bottom and the stiles on the sides. The sash holds the glass in place.

What holds a window up?

The sash is the moveable part of a window made up of the vertical and horizontal frame that holds the glass. On a double-hung window, the check rail is the part where the bottom part of the upper sash and the upper part of the lower sash come in contact.

What holds a window in place?

The sash holds the glass in place. These are the grids of the window. They can be decorative and just snap into place over the glass, or they can help hold the glass in place, dividing the glass into sections often referred to as lights. Muntins are installed on the outside or inside of the glass or both.

What are the components of a window?

Each window consists of several components: the frame. the title bar. the menu bar….For windows which are sizeable the title bar also displays some standard icons on the very right-hand side:

  • the minimize button.
  • the maximize button (full screen or customize)
  • the close button.

What stops a window from sliding down?

Place the sash spring in the center side of each window. The sash spring will fit easily between the sliding edges of the window. The curve should face in so that the edges stick out on the sash spring.

What are the stationary components of a window?

The stationary components of a window that enclose either the sash on an operating window or the glass on a direct glazed window are called the frame. Jambs, sills, and moldings are the primary components of a window frame.

What are the parts of a window frame?

Channel: A groove around windows. Exterior Sill: The external horizontal bottom part of the frame that protects from water intrusion and can be used as a decorative element. Apron: The decorative raised section below the window sill.

What type of windows are used in metal buildings?

You’ll find that any type of window can be used in metal buildings. Insulated and non-insulated options can be chosen, and you can choose windows that are: The only time that you’ll have much of an issue with the installation is if there are supporting beams or braces in the way.

What are the parts of a hollow glass window?

Hollow Glass: Window panes made of hollow glass. Pane: A sheet of glass in a window. Spacer: An insulating glass unit typically made of aluminium that’s sealed between two glass layers and keep glass panes apart. Meeting Rail: The horizontal rail of a sash that meets the rail of the other sash when the window is closed.