What is the message of the poem Lucy Gray?

In his poem, Lucy Gray, Wordsworth, in showing the helplessness of both child and parent, demonstrates the futility of man’s ceaseless warring against nature and the dominance of primitive forces. At the very outset of the poem, Lucy sets out to show her mother through the snow before a winter storm rolls in.

What is the main theme of Lucy poem?

The five poems included in the Lucy “canon” focus on similar themes of nature, beauty, separation and loss, and most follow the same basic ballad form.

What is the symbolic significance of Lucy untrodden ways?

Lucy’s “untrodden ways” are symbolic to the poet of both her physical isolation and the unknown details of her mind and life. In the poem, Wordsworth is concerned not so much with his observation of Lucy, but with his experience when reflecting on her death.

How will the poet turn Lucy to be a lady of my own?

According to the poet, in the company of nature Lucy will grow and change into the graceful figure. She will be changed into a beautiful lady. Her heart will be filled with extreme joy and happiness. Nature will teach her according to her own way.

How does the poet suggest that Lucy was happy in her solitude?

Stanza Sixteen This gives a peaceful description of Lucy and implies that she perhaps sang and skipped along before the storm took her away. It suggests that she was not terrified by the storm, but that she was taken suddenly and by surprise. Essentially, it suggests that she died happy, skipping along in the snow.

Why is the Lucy Gray believed to be a living child even after her death?

Lucy had become immortal because after her death the people began to believe that she was still a living child who could be seen alone at the break of the day only those who had the deep concern with natural beauty. She was seen by singing a solitary song in the moor, walking rough and smooth and never looked behind.

What are the three things that Lucy left behind for the poet?

Answer. Answer: Lucy left the feelings and thoughts in his beloved’s mind and heart with rocks and stones and trees in the earth’s diurnal course.

Why is Lucy Gray believed to be a living child even after her death?

What does a violet by a mossy stone mean?

In stanza 2, the speaker points to Lucy’s mystery as the reason for her loveliness and beauty. She was like “A violet by a mossy stone / Half hidden from the eye!” By comparing Lucy to a flower, the speaker implies she was beautiful. So, one reason for his or her love was Lucy’s beauty.

What do the untrodden ways communicate about Lucy in the poem?

Lucy lived ‘among the untrodden ways’, suggesting an isolated and unspoiled countryside. This sense of unspoiled Nature is reinforced by the ‘springs of Dove’. Modern advertising still uses the idea of ‘natural spring water’ to represent purity and untouched Nature.

How can this poem can be interpreted as the marriage of nature and Lucy?

This poem can be interpreted as the celebration as the marriage of nature and Lucy at the end. When the physical body of Lucy died, she merges with nature. Her worldly lover, the poet or the speaker, laments for the death and mourned knowing that she will never be back. She will be with nature for ever and ever.

How does the poet feel at the end of the poem?

Answer. Answer: In the end of the poem the poet feels relaxed and thankful to the nature for saving his day from being wasted.