What is the message of the poem I think continually of those who were truly great by Stephen Spender?

Spender could be saying that these truly great people are those who literally always kept in mind the history of people. By forever remembering what humankind had gone through from the beginning of time, it allowed these individuals to be passionate about making a change and therefore they become so great.

What is the message of the poem The Express by Stephen Spender?

The poem The Express is written in the praise of Express Train by Stephen Spender. The poem symbolizes the industrial revolution as well as the modern romantic era which is on contrary to the traditional one.

Who is the author of the poem I think continually of those who were truly great?

“I think: continually of those who were truly great.”1 Stephen Spender, as a poet, may be indulged; but it is hardly pennissible to write the history of thought in such Carlylean terms.

What distinct quality of those who are truly great does the narrator mention in the first stanza?

Answer. Answer: The quality of “The Truly Great” that the narrator discusses in the first stanza is inspiration. These great individuals remember “the soul’s spirit”—that is, they are in touch with the passion of creation that comes from the soul.

What distinct quality of those who are truly great does the persona mention in first stanza?

Why the Express is compared to a queen?

The train here is a symbol of the modern industrial civilization. The glorious running of the train to its destination is vividly pictured by the poet. The movement of the train is like the majestic movements of a queen. The express speeding through the open country is then compared to an elegant ship on ocean.

What distinct qualities of those who are truly great are mentioned in the first stanza?

Answer: The quality of “The Truly Great” that the narrator discusses in the first stanza is inspiration. These great individuals remember “the soul’s spirit”—that is, they are in touch with the passion of creation that comes from the soul.

What is distinct quality?

Something that is distinctive has a special quality or feature which makes it easily recognizable and different from other things of the same type. […]