What is the mercy rule in USA Softball?

Mercy rule – the game will end if a team is ahead by 15 or more runs at the completion of an inning. It is understood that the home team could meet the requirement without getting three outs while at bat, the game will end at 15 over the visitors score in that case.

What are the rules for women’s softball?


  • Runners must touch each base in order.
  • Runners may overrun 1st base only, all other bases the runner may be tagged and.
  • Runners can not lead off a base, they must be on base until the ball as left the.
  • After a fly ball has been caught the base runner must tag the occupied base before.

Is there a slide rule in USA Softball?

However, this leads to some confusion because there is no “must slide” rule. The applicable rule is that a runner is out if she remains upright and crashes into a defensive player who has possession of the ball. This happens most at home plate, but it applies at the other bases too.

Can you slide head first in USA softball?

Runners may slide feet first into second or third base. Runners may not slide into first base or the safety base at home plate . Runners may not slide head first into any base on the field.

Is there a slaughter rule in college softball?

According to the NCAA, the “eight-run rule” can put an end to a game if one team is leading the other after at least five equal innings.

What are 3 rules in softball?

What are the most important rules of softball?

  • Running The Bases.
  • 3 outs per team per inning.
  • 3 strikes and you’re out.
  • 4 Balls is a walk.
  • 7 Innings in a game.
  • 9 players per team.
  • Pitchers must throw underhand.
  • Foul Balls are softballs hit out of play.

Can you hit a ball that bounces in softball?

Yes. This is treated like any other pitch. The ball can be batted and if the batter is touched by the bounced pitch, he is awarded first base on a hit by pitch.

Is Rock Rosin illegal in softball?

No. Chemists claim this product will always leave residue, so the pitcher is not allowed to put rock rosin. Regardless of what product is used, umpires still have the discretion to not allow the pitcher to use any product that transfers a tackiness to the ball.

Can you dive head first in softball?

Runners may not slide head first into any base on the field. If a runner’s momentum has caused him or her to overrun a base, he or she may dive back in a head first manner to regain possession of that base.

What does DH DP and eh mean in softball?

A lot of rule changes were added to baseball over the years and also found their place in softball, usually with a little twist. One of those rules is the use of DH (designated hitter), DP (Designated player ) and EH (extra hitter). Here, I’ll explain what does DH, DP, and EH mean in softball, and how these positions are used in a game.

What is the designated hitter rule in softball?

The designated hitter rule comes to softball from baseball, or to be more precise, from the American League. In baseball, simply said, the DH is a player in the lineup that only bats and has no position in the field. Mostly, they bat instead of a pitcher.

Can a DP play defense in softball?

The designated player or DP in softball is listed on the batting order at the start of the game, but not in the defensive lineup. However, unlike a DH who can only bat instead of another player, a designated player can also play defense. The rule allows the softball team to add a tenth player.

Can you use an extra hitter in softball?

Some softball leagues allow the use of extra hitter or EH. The rule allows teams, depending on the competition, to have 10 to 12 players on their line-up card to bat. This way, a coach can use additional players as extra hitters. Every extra hitter must always be reported prior to the game in the line-up card.