What is the meaning of Tnpcb?

Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board.

How can I become a pollution control officer in Tamilnadu?

Steps to Apply

  1. Step 1: Go to the TNPCB official website of www.tnpcb.gov.in.
  2. Step 2: Click on “TNPCB 2022 Recruitment Details” and click on the application form.
  3. Step 3: TNPCB 2022 application form will be displayed on the screen.
  4. Step 4: Pay the TNPCB Application fee based on your category.

How many Spcb are there in India?

There are 35 SPCBs / PCCs (30 SPCBs and 5 PCCs) in India, out of which 17 SPCBs / PCCs shared their CEMS data in public domain till October 19, 2020, according to the CSE analysis.

How can I check my pollution certificate online in Tamilnadu?

Visit the parivahan website by clicking the following link: Parivahan website. Enter your vehicle registration number and last 5 digits of your vehicle chassis number in the appropriate textbox. Then click “PUC Details” tab. If your vehicle’s PUCC is active, you will be directed to a new page.

How can I get TNPCB certificate?

The following documents and information are required :

  1. Authorized Person Pan card.
  2. Authorized Person Aadhar card.
  3. Pan card of the unit in case of Partnership/Company.
  4. Authorization letter (except Proprietorship)
  5. CA Letter for total project cost.
  6. Site Plan /Naksha.
  7. FSSAI Certificate for food businesses.
  8. Proof of Ownership.

What is CTO & CTE in TNPCB?

CTO- Consent to operate as it is known is NOC given by State pollution control board (TNPCB) to operate your business after you have received your CTE NOC from SPCB(TNPCB) as per The Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act – 1974 and the air (prevention and control of pollution) act, 1981.

What is CTE and CTO in TNPCB?

Further, TNPCB has already revised the validity period of CTE and Consent to Operate (CTO) issued under the Water (P&CP) Act, 1974 and the Air (P&CP) Act, 1981 vide BP. No. 5 dt.

What is Spcb role?

Important functions of the SPCB include setting standards for the emission of air pollutants into the atmosphere from industrial plants and automobiles. Such standards also consider the ambient air quality standards laid down by the CPCB.

What is the work of pollution control officer?

A Pollution Control Officer inspects and investigates sources of pollution to protect the public and environment and ensure conformance with regulations and ordinances. Pollution Control Officers examine and update permits, licenses, applications and records of compliance.

What is CTO in PCB?

Procedure for Grant of Consent to Operate (CTO) for Red and Orange. Category units. I. First Consent to Operate. The new units after installation of their project, are required to obtain consent to operate under Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981 before starting even trail production.

What is CTO certificate?

State Pollution Control Board will continue to grant its consent to operate (CTO) to all the industries not having any hazardous process, existing and operating in non-designated industrial areas prior to the date of notification of Master Plan provided the industry complies with the prescribed norms for the discharge …

How many members are appointed in Spcb?

State Board- State Pollution Control Board Not more than 5 members appointed by the state government to represent the government.