What is the meaning of the result CIN 1?
What is the meaning of the result CIN 1?
CIN 1 – it’s unlikely the cells will become cancerous and they may go away on their own; no treatment is needed and you’ll be invited for a cervical screening test in 12 months to check they’ve gone. CIN 2 – there’s a moderate chance the cells will become cancerous and treatment to remove them is usually recommended.
Is CIN considered as cancer?
CIN is not cancer, but may become cancer and spread to nearby normal tissue. It is graded on a scale of 1 to 3, based on how abnormal the cells look under a microscope and how much of the cervical tissue is affected.
How do you get rid of HPV CIN1?
If your cervical dysplasia is more severe (CIN 1 or CIN 2), your healthcare provider can remove the abnormal cells that may become cancerous or destroy them. These procedures may include: Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP) uses a small, electrically charged wire loop to remove tissue.
Which HPV causes CIN1?
The results of several studies suggest that CIN1 is mainly caused by low-risk HPV infection [3–5]. However, there is also evidence that high-risk HPV is strongly associated with CIN1 [6, 7]. Differences in the risk of HPV infection and CIN1 disease outcome [8, 9] may be due to regional differences in populations.
How long does it take cin1 to go away?
These changes may be called HPV alone, or other cells may be present which are called CIN-1. 80% of these LSIL abnormalities go away within 12mths. If this is the first time you have had abnormal cells on your cervix, your doctor will recommend that you have a repeat Pap smear test in 12mths.
Is LEEP necessary for cin1?
The clinical management of women with CIN 1 lesions may take one of the following courses: (i) immediate treatment or (ii) follow the woman and then treat if the lesion is persistent or progressive after 18 to 24 months. All women with CIN 2 and CIN 3 lesions should be treated with cryotherapy or LEEP.
Did your CIN 1 Go Away?
Nearly all of the low-grade abnormalities (CIN-1) will go away without treatment, as they are due to an HPV infection. Treatment is no longer recommended for this abnormality as the harm outweighs the benefits. In a small number of women, the low-grade abnormality persists, or rarely, progresses to a high-grade change.
How long does it take for HPV to become CIN1?
77.77% (91/117) of these women developed CIN1 within an estimated interval of 24 months from the recorded onset of persistent HR-HPV infection, while 22.23% (26/117) were estimated to have developed CIN1 after persistent HR-HPV infection exceeding 24 months.