What is the meaning of the renegade by David Diop?

“The Renegade” is a poem by David Diop which blackguards those Africans who have espoused European customs at the expense of their African roots. Critics have noted, sometimes pointedly, that Diop himself spent most of his life outside Africa.

What is the author’s purpose in writing the poem Africa?

”Africa” is one of Diop’s most famous poems in which he explores the history of colonialism in Africa and expresses hope for a postcolonial Africa. The bitter taste of liberty.

What is the message of the poem Africa My Africa?

Major Themes in “Africa my Africa”: Freedom versus slavery, patriotism, and the dark side of human nature are the major themes of the poem. The poem exhibits the writer’s love for his dear country, Africa. He recalls once this place had an average life span which the colonizers corroded.

What is the poem Africa All About discuss what have you understand from the poem?

The poem is about the effects colonialism has had on Africa. It traces the history of pre-colonial Africa, then shows the torture that Africans underwent in colonialism and how Africa is starting afresh like a young tree.

Who is talking in the poem?

Just like fiction has a narrator, poetry has a speaker–someone who is the voice of the poem. Often times, the speaker is the poet. Other times, the speaker can take on the voice of a persona–the voice of someone else including animals and inanimate objects.

What is the main idea of the poem Africa by David Diop?

The central theme of the poem is the poet’s love towards his native land Africa, even when he was brought up in a totally different country.

Who are the two people talking in the poem answer?

Answer: its the poem that is either being told by the poet or any other person it also depends on the tone and the theme of the poem, it varies from poem to poem!

Who is the speaker in the poem answer?

Answer. The speaker is the voice or “persona” of a poem. One should not assume that the poet is the speaker, because the poet may be writing from a perspective entirely different from his own, even with the voice of another gender, race or species, or even of a material object.
