What is the meaning of the poem We Real Cool?

Rebellion, Youth, and Mortality. “We Real Cool” is a poem about rebellion—and its costs. The poem is spoken by a group of seven teenagers hanging out outside a pool hall. These teens present themselves as rebels who skip school, stay out late, and party hard.

What does jazz June mean in the poem We Real Cool?

Instead, “Jazz June” suggests freedom, improvisation, dancing, seduction, and, of course, time off school. For these guys, it’s always like June, because they are always off school. Interestingly, this line makes the pool players seem less passive and lazy, because they are capable of turning “jazz”, into an action.

Who are the we in the poem We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks?

The poem begins with the two lines in capital letters informing us who the ‘We’ of the poem’s title are: the seven pool players found at ‘The Golden Shovel’, a pool hall Brooks passed one afternoon.

What happens in the poem We Real Cool by Gwendolyn Brooks?

‘We Real Cool’ by Gwendolyn Brooks describes the lives of seven pool players who lurk in the night, don’t go to school and plan on dying soon. ‘We Real Cool’ by Gwendolyn Brooks is a four stanza, eight-line poem that has been separated into repeating couplets.

Why does Brooks put the word we at the end of almost every line what effect does this have on the way you read the poem?

In the words of the poet herself she put the We at the ends of lines for emphasis ‘so the reader could give them that little split-second’s attention. ‘

What is the effect of the repetition of the word we throughout We Real Cool?

In the poem “We Real Cool”, Gwendolyn Brooks utilizes repetition to emphasize the consequences of discontinuing school. Brooks repeats “We” to create a direct approach to those that are teenage dropouts of school.

Why does the poet end each line with we?

And what about that ever present We? In the words of the poet herself she put the We at the ends of lines for emphasis ‘so the reader could give them that little split-second’s attention. ‘

What does We Thin gin mean?

We / jazz June” (04-07). The fact that the players “thin gin” means that they must share one bottle of gin and water it down, so as to make the alcohol last a bit longer. No one player can afford to buy his own bottle; one assumes that they pool together their financial resources to purchase that bottle.

What is the tone of the poem We Real Cool?

Tone. The tone of “We Real Cool” is straightforward and lighthearted. An example of straightforward in the poem would be “We Die soon” meaning that if they don’t change the way they are acting their life isn’t going to be the way they want it to be.

What is the irony in We Real Cool?

The irony of it all is that they believe they are having their fun now, rather than wasting their time getting an education. If they are to die, they want to have these fun memories, rather than memories of being stuffed up in school.

What figurative language is used in the poem We Real Cool?

Irony: Irony is a figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words. The writer has used dramatic irony in the poem to show the rebellious attitude of the youth. For example, “We real cool.

What is the Golden Shovel in We Real Cool?

‘The Golden Shovel’ is the name of a pool hall where Brooks’ poem ‘We Real Cool’ is set. She says of the poem, ‘I wrote it because I was passing by a pool hall in my community one afternoon in school time. And I saw therein a whole bunch of boys – I say here in this poem seven – and they were shooting pool.