What is the meaning of Tenho Saudades Tuas?

I miss you
Portuguese term or phrase: tenho saudades tuas. English translation: I miss you.

Does saudade have a translation?

Saudade is a word in Portuguese and Galician that claims no direct translation in English. However, a close translation in English would be “desiderium.” Desiderium is defined as an ardent desire or longing, especially a feeling of loss or grief for something lost.

What does the word saudade mean?

sad state of intense longing for
Saudade is a word for a sad state of intense longing for someone or something that is absent. Saudade comes from Portuguese culture, and it is often expressed in its literature and music. Saudade is described as a kind of melancholy yearning.

What does it mean fernweh?

Often online English language dictionaries will define fernweh simply as “wanderlust” and then explain that it means a “desire to travel”.

Can you feel saudade?

Saudade is a feeling of longing, melancholy, desire, and nostalgia that is characteristic of the Brazilian or Portuguese temperament. It describes a deep emotional state; a yearning for a happiness that has passed, or perhaps never even existed.

How do you use saudades?

straight after the verb estar, for emphasis, if you want to stress the fact that you really miss something or someone. Tô morrendo de saudade de você. / Lit. I’m dying of saudade of you.

How do you use saudade in English?

This expression is used, for example, when we say that we don’t want to miss something or someone anymore. We say that we want to kill “saudade” that we feel about that someone or that something. The “saudades” are killed when we’re with the person we’ve been missing or when we do something that we were missing doing.

What language is saudade?

saudade. This untranslatable Portuguese term refers to a melancholic longing or yearning. A recurring theme in Portuguese and Brazilian literature, saudade evokes a sense of loneliness and incompleteness.

What saudade means?

intense longing for

Is saudade Portuguese or Brazilian?

saudade. This untranslatable Portuguese term refers to a melancholic longing or yearning. A recurring theme in Portuguese and Brazilian literature, saudade evokes a sense of loneliness and incompleteness.