What is the meaning of placenta previa?

Placenta previa (pluh-SEN-tuh PREH-vee-uh) is a problem during pregnancy when the placenta completely or partially covers the opening of the uterus (cervix). The placenta is an organ that develops inside the uterus during pregnancy. It works to provide oxygen and nutrition to the baby and to remove waste.

How is placenta previa classified?

Historically, there have been three defined types of placenta previa: complete, partial, and marginal. More recently, these definitions have been consolidated into two definitions: complete and marginal previa. A complete previa is defined as complete coverage of the cervical os by the placenta.

What are the four types of placenta previa?

Placenta Previa

  • Complete placenta previa. The placenta completely covers the cervix.
  • Partial placenta previa. The placenta is partly over the cervix.
  • Marginal placenta previa. The placenta is near the edge of the cervix.

What is the gold standard in diagnosing placenta previa?

Transvaginal ultrasonography is considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of placenta previa. This imaging modality is accurate, cost-effective, and well tolerated. Several studies have been published indicating the superiority of transvaginal scans (TVS) as compared to the transabdominal (TAS) approach.

What is placenta previa Wikipedia?

Placenta praevia is when the placenta attaches inside the uterus but in an abnormal position near or over the cervical opening. Symptoms include vaginal bleeding in the second half of pregnancy.

Why placenta previa occurs?

Placenta previa happens when the placenta partly or completely covers the cervix, which is the opening of the uterus. Your baby passes into the cervix and through the birth canal during a vaginal delivery. Normally, the placenta attaches toward the top of the uterus, away from the cervix.

What is Type 2 placenta previa?

Placenta praevia is graded into 4 categories from minor to major. If you have grade 1 or 2 it may still be possible to have a vaginal birth, but grade 3 or 4 will require a caesarean section. Any grade of placenta praevia will require you to live near or have easy access to the hospital in case you start bleeding.

How is placenta previa measured?

The most effective way to confirm a placenta previa is to look transvaginally. Below you will see images of a transvaginal approach. Below you will see a measurement from the edge of the placenta to the internal os. The bright echos to the left of the screen are the fetal skull.

How many cm is placenta previa?

A low-lying placenta is between 2.5 centimeters (cm) and 3.5 cm away from the internal os — the opening of the uterus into the cervix.

What is differential diagnosis placenta previa?

If undiagnosed preoperatively, placenta previa may be diagnosed or confirmed at cesarean section. The differential diagnoses of placenta previa include abruptio placentae, local cervical lesions (polyps, carcinoma), circumvallate placenta, vasa previa or heavy show.

What is Type 3 placenta previa?

What is the treatment of placenta previa?

Treatment of placenta previa involves bed rest and limitation of activity. Tocolytic medications, intravenous fluids, and blood transfusions may be required depending upon the severity of the condition. Cesarean delivery is required for complete placenta previa.