What is the meaning of ossifrage?

ossifrage in American English (ˈɑsəfrɪdʒ) noun. 1. the largest Eurasian bird of prey, Gypaëtus barbatus, ranging in the mountains from southern Europe to China, having a wingspread of 9 to 10 feet (2.7 to 3 meters) and black feathers hanging from below the bill like a mustache; lammergeier. archaic.

What is lammergeier in English?

Definition of lammergeier : a large Old World vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) that occurs in mountainous regions, has long black bristles at the base of the bill, and in flight resembles a very large falcon : bearded vulture.

How do you pronounce osprey bird?

Getting back to how “osprey” sounds, the OED says it’s pronounced differently in Britain and in the US. In British English it’s OSS-pray, while in American English it’s OSS-pree. The online Cambridge Dictionary, published in Britain, also gives OSS-pray as the British pronunciation and OSS-pree as the American.

Which bird only eats bones?

The bearded vulture
The bearded vulture is the only animal that feeds almost exclusively on bone (70-90%). In Crete, it is known as the “bone-eater”. The bird throws the larger bones from a height on to rocky slopes in order to break them, and immediately descends after them in a characteristic spiral.

What was a leper in the Bible?

Leprosy, the Bible, and the term ‘leper’ Some translations of the Bible use the term ‘leper’ to describe those who were affected by leprosy. ‘Leper’ is a derogatory term that is used to hurt people affected by leprosy across the world and we ask everyone to avoid using this word.

What does warp or woof mean in the Bible?

The essential foundation or base of any structure or organization; from weaving, in which the warp — the threads that run lengthwise — and the woof — the threads that run across — make up the fabric: “The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are the warp and woof of the American nation.”

How do you pronounce cormorants?

Break ‘cormorant’ down into sounds: [KAW] + [MUH] + [RUHNT] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.