What is the meaning of Justin Timberlake Mirrors video?

This is probably symbolizing that he always viewed his wife as beautiful as the day they married. She moves through the video while the old man and the elderly woman move walk through separate ways through the video and through the mirrors symbolizing his death and her moving on.

Why is Mirrors by Justin Timberlake so good?

In this album the song Mirrors has been nominated multiple times for awards and even won few times. The song Mirrors was written in honor of Justin Timberlake’s grandparents for their celebration of 63 years of marriage, and that is why the music video is very special to him; he holds it dear to his heart.

Did Sam Smith do a Bond song?

Sam Smith has recorded the song for the new James Bond film Spectre. The track is called Writing’s on the Wall and will be released on 25 September. Sam told Lizo Mzimba it was hard keeping it a secret, and that the theme was written in 20 minutes.

What is the theme song for Spectre?

(Sam Smith song)
“Writing’s on the Wall” is a song by English singer Sam Smith, written for the release of the 2015 James Bond film Spectre.

Who did Justin Timberlake dedicate Mirrors to?

Justin Timberlake Wants To Grow Old With Jessica Biel At the beginning of the video for “Mirrors,” the song is dedicated to “William & Sadie” — JT’s grandparents who were married for over 60 years. We’re guessing he hopes Jessica continues to be his mirror and that they last just as long.

What does it mean when someone is your mirror?

Here it is again: every single person in your life is your mirror. What this means is that others are always reflecting parts of your consciousness back to you, allowing you to see yourself, to grow and to change your beliefs about who you are and about other people.

Who is the girl in Mirrors video?

Sadie Bomar
Justin himself doesn’t even appear in the video until the 5:45 mark, when the song segues into its coda, but that’s just fine–Bill and Sadie Bomar are the real stars of “Mirrors.” We have a feeling Justin will be paying tribute to his grandparents again at this year’s MTV Video Music Awards, when he thanks them in his …