What is the meaning of discreditable conduct?

injurious to reputation
: injurious to reputation : disgraceful discreditable conduct.

What does disreputable mean in the Bible?

not respectable, lacking repute; discreditable.

What is disreputable Behaviour?

adjective. 1. not reputable; having or causing a bad reputation; discreditable.

What does it mean when someone is prosecuted?

Prosecute is generally found today in a legal context (“to bring legal action against for redress or punishment of a crime or violation of law”), although the word may also be used to mean “to follow to the end” or “to engage in.” If someone is prosecuted they are being tried in a court of law; if they are persecuted …

What does conduct unbecoming a member mean?

Unbecoming conduct can indicate that the Board or committee member is unsuitable to hold their position with the regulator. For example, claiming even a small false expense could undermine the ability of the Board or committee member to hold practitioners to account for false billings.

What is an example of disreputable?

Disreputable definition The definition of disreputable is lacking respectability or shabby. A hotel known for allowing criminal activity to go on in its rooms is an example of a disreputable hotel. Lacking respectability, as in character, behavior, or appearance.

How do you use disreputable in a sentence?

Disreputable in a Sentence ?

  1. When the disreputable man ran for political office, he received less than one percent of the votes.
  2. The mob associates decided to kill the disreputable informant.
  3. You should never buy a car from a disreputable dealership.

What’s another word for Prosecute?

In this page you can discover 40 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for prosecute, like: follow up, execute, indict, involve in litigation, continue, charge, accuse, do, pursue, contest and sue.

What’s another word for prosecution?

What is another word for prosecution?

trial trying
tribunal indictment
case lawsuit
litigation proceedings
arraignment impeachment

Is conduct unbecoming a court martial offense?

Conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman: Any commissioned officer, cadet, or midshipman who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

How do you use unbecoming?

Her actions horrified the delegation and were regarded as unbecoming of a woman, no less one from her social background. Navlakha also responded by terming his detention a paranoia unbecoming of the state authorities.

What is the meaning of disreputable?

English Language Learners Definition of disreputable. formal : not respected or trusted by most people : having a bad reputation. See the full definition for disreputable in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What is the meaning of disreputable clothes?

shabby or shoddy; of poor quality or condition: disreputable clothes. 2 disgraceful, ignoble, unprincipled, objectionable, low, shameful, debased. QUIZ YOURSELF ON AFFECT VS.

Is Act acting still a disreputable profession?

Acting was still a disreputable profession, but respectable Nelly is reluctant to become his kept woman. The program was called “ disreputable if not outright illegal” by some NSA officials and was ultimately shut down in 1973. So far, so disreputable, especially if you bought into Assange’s rock-star status.