What is the meaning of Choregi?

1. (in ancient Greece) the leader of a dramatic chorus. 2. any conductor or leader of something, esp. of a musical ensemble or entertainment.

Who is referred to as a Choragus?

Definition of choragus 1 : the leader of a chorus or choir broadly : the leader of any group or movement. 2 : a leader of a dramatic chorus in ancient Greece.

Is Hyperactively a word?

(of children) displaying excessive physical activity sometimes associated with neurological or psychological causes. hy`per•ac′tion (-ˈæk ʃən) n. hy`per•ac′tive•ly, adv.

How do you pronounce Choregus?

noun, plural cho·re·gi [kuh-ree-jahy, kaw-, koh-], /kəˈri dʒaɪ, kɔ-, koʊ-/, cho·re·gus·es.

Where does the word thespian come from?

Thespian is a fancy word for actor. Since this word is related to Thespis, the guy who first took the stage in Ancient Greece, you can feel real scholarly using the word thespian. As an adjective, you can use the word thespian to describe something that is related to drama.

Who is the Choragus in Antigone?

The Choragos in Antigone represents the advisors of Creon. Ostensibly, they were there to guide the king and give voice to the concerns of the people. In reality, his temper prevented them from being effective at all.

What did the Choregos do?

Choregoi were responsible for supporting many aspects of theatre production in ancient Athens: paying for costumes, rehearsals, the chorus, scenery or scene painting (including such items as mechane and ekkyklema), props (including elaborate masks), special effects, such as sound, and musicians, except that the state …

What is the opposite of hyper?

Hypo-, is the opposite of hyper-: it means underneath, less than normal, or deficient in some way. For example, the word hypothermia indicates a body temperature that’s far lower than normal.

What is hyperactivity in a child?

Hyperactive behavior usually refers to constant activity, being easily distracted, impulsiveness, inability to concentrate, aggressiveness, and similar behaviors. Typical behaviors may include: Fidgeting or constant moving. Wandering. Talking too much.

Who paid for Greek Theatre?

choragus, also spelled Choregus, or Choragos, plural Choragi, Choregi, or Choragoi, in ancient Greek theatre, any wealthy Athenian citizen who paid the costs of theatrical productions at festivals during the 4th and 5th centuries bc.

What is thespian art?

Noun. The industry or activity of acting or stage performance. drama.