What is the meaning of authorizer?

an authority who authorizes
Definitions of authorizer. an authority who authorizes (people or actions) “the agents report back to their authorizers”

Is authorizer a real word?

* AUTHORIZER: Also known as a sponsor, this is the state-sanctioned entity that licenses a school to operate and is then responsible for monitoring its performance and renewing its charter if that performance is satisfactory.

What does an Authorisation mean?

Authorization is the process of giving someone permission to do or have something.

How do you spell authorization in Australia?

Authorise is an interesting case because it does go back to Latin and Greek and therefore, etymologically speaking, should have –ize. The general style guide has overridden this and usually in Australian English it is spelled authorise.

What does it mean to reauthorize a law?

: to authorize (something or someone) again especially : to renew the authority or effective legal power, warrant, or right of called for Congress to reauthorize the Clean Water Act Since passage, each law has been amended or “reauthorized,” a confusing process under which existing statutes are reenacted with new …

What is the verb form of authority?

Definition of authorize transitive verb. 1 : to endorse, empower, justify, or permit by or as if by some recognized or proper authority (such as custom, evidence, personal right, or regulating power) a custom authorized by time.

What are the three types of authorization?

2.2. There are three authentication factors that can be used: something you know, something you have, and something you are. Something you know would be a password, a PIN, or some other personal information.

Why do we need authorization?

Authorization is permitting an authenticated user the permission to perform a given action on specific resources. Both authentication and authorization are required to deal with sensitive data assets. Without any of them, you are keeping data vulnerable to data breaches and unauthorized access.