What is the meaning of Anatomy of Melancholy?

The huge and encyclopaedic Anatomy of Melancholy was produced by the English clergyman Robert Burton (1577–1640). It explores a dizzying assortment of mental afflictions, including what might now be called depression.

Which emotional state is scrutinized in Robert Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy?

Overview. On its surface, the book is presented as a medical textbook in which Burton applies his vast and varied learning, in the scholastic manner, to the subject of melancholia (which includes, although it is not limited to, what is now termed clinical depression).

Who is not a Foole who is free from melancholy?

5. “I said unto the fools, deal not so madly,” and ’twas an old Stoical paradox, omnes stultos insanire, all fools are mad, though some madder than others. And who is not a fool, who is free from melancholy? Who is not touched more or less in habit or disposition?

When was anatomy of melancholy written?

Burton’s The Anatomy of Melancholy, which was first published in 1621 and reissued in several subsequent editions in the 17th century, was a vast, erudite behemoth of a book.

When did Robert Burton Write The Anatomy of Melancholy?

Many strange stories of melancholy caught the eye of Robert Burton, an Oxford scholar who dedicated most of his life to writing The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621). First printed 400 years ago, it is a vast compendium of melancholy that is also a literary masterpiece.

Is melancholia a book?

Melancholy, original title Melancholia I, is a 1995 novel by the Norwegian writer Jon Fosse.

Who wrote about melancholy and how do you handle it?

Many strange stories of melancholy caught the eye of Robert Burton, an Oxford scholar who dedicated most of his life to writing The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621). First printed 400 years ago, it is a vast compendium of melancholy that is also a literary masterpiece.

Who is the author of melancholia?

Jon Fosse
Melancholy, original title Melancholia I, is a 1995 novel by the Norwegian writer Jon Fosse….Melancholy (novel)

Author Jon Fosse
Original title Melancholia I
Translator Grethe Kvernes Damion Searls
Country Norway
Language Norwegian (Nynorsk)

Is The Anatomy of Melancholy worth reading?

Welcoming the paperback edition in 2001, the critic Nick Lezard called it the best book ever written and the book to end all books. More recently, the publisher John Mitchell described it as some of the greatest prose from the greatest era of English prose.