What is the meaning masthead?

Definition of masthead 1 : the top of a mast. 2a : the printed matter in a newspaper or periodical that gives the title and details of ownership, advertising rates, and subscription rates. b : the name of a publication (such as a newspaper) displayed on the top of the first page.

What is the other term for masthead?

▲ A little banner, flag, or streamer. banderole. banner. standard.

Why is the masthead important?

Somewhere, every magazine carries a masthead. It lists the naines and duties of its staff members. To you, as a reader, it can be the most important single feature in the magazine. Like the hallmark on silver, it is a bench mark of quality.

What does under the banner mean?

phrase. If someone does something under the banner of a particular cause, idea, or belief, they do it saying that they support that cause, idea, or belief. Russia was the first country to forge a new economic system under the banner of Marxism.

What is a masthead logo?

Also called flag. a statement printed in all issues of a newspaper, magazine, or the like, usually on the editorial page, giving the publication’s name, the names of the owner and staff, etc. Also called nameplate.

What is a masthead in a newsletter?

A masthead is the section of the newsletter that credits all those involved in the newsletter, including writers, editors, designers, copyeditors, or members of your organization’s leadership team.

How do you write a masthead?

Components of a Masthead

  1. The publication logo or perhaps a smaller version of the newsletter nameplate.
  2. Name of the publisher, editors, contributors, designers, and other staff responsible for creating the newsletter.
  3. Address, phone number, and other contact information for the publication.

What is the meaning of on the verge of?

Definition of on the verge of : at the point when (something) is about to happen or is very likely to happen The company was on the verge of going bankrupt.

When was under the Banner of Heaven published?

July 2003Under the Banner of Heaven / Originally published

What is included in a masthead?

The masthead is essentially a one-page informational overview of a publication and everyone involved in its creation. The masthead lists editorial staff, publisher, subscription details, and contact information. Members of the advisory board, readers, interns, proofreaders, and designers are also often listed.

Why is a masthead important in editorial?

A masthead is a list of information about a newspaper or magazine which is typically printed near the editorial page or inside cover. This information is included in every issue, making it easy for people to see who is involved with the publication and where it is published.