What is the mean of ambitious?

Definition of ambitious 1a : having or controlled by ambition : having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous an ambitious young executive. b : having a desire to achieve a particular goal : aspiring ambitious for power.

What is the meaning of purr in Marathi?

मांजराचा गुर् गुर् आवाज ⇄ purr.

What is the root word of ambitious?

late 14c., “craving, yearning, overambitious,” from Latin ambitiosus “eager for public office, eager to win favor, ingratiating,” from ambitio “a going around (to solicit votes),” noun of action from past participle stem of ambire “to go around, go about,” from amb- “around” (from PIE root *ambhi- “around”) + ire “go” …

What is ambition example?

The definition of ambition is motivation or a strong urge to achieve something. An example of someone who has ambition is an ice skater who practices for hours each day in hopes of competing in the Olympics. An eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power.

How can I be ambitious?

Having ambition is a big part of feeling determined to work toward your dreams and desires. It can help you stay motivated and focused on what you want to achieve….How to be ambitious

  1. Compete with yourself.
  2. Surround yourself with ambitious people.
  3. Continuously set goals.
  4. Take exciting risks.
  5. Embrace your imagination.

What is the meaning of bleat in Marathi?

मेंढीचा आवाज the lamb was bleating weakly. (of a sheep, goat, or calf) make a characteristic wavering cry. the distant bleat of sheep in the field.

What’s it mean when a girl says purr?

What does “purr” mean on TikTok? Much like when a feline purrs to signal its happiness or excitement, “purr” is used to express approval.

What is an example of ambitious?

The definition of ambitious is to be very driven, eager and motivated. An example of someone ambitious is someone who sets a goal to break a world record.

Who is ambitious person?

The definition of being an ambitious person is a strong desire to do something, even in the face of hard work. Put another way, the definition of being an ambitious person is a deep determination to get something done, no matter the cost.