What is the maximum landing weight for a Boeing 737-800?

Boeing 737 Specs Table for Next Gen and Max.

Variant 600 800
Max. Ramp Weight 65,317Kg (143,999lb) 79,229Kg (174,670lb)
Max. Takeoff Weight 65,090Kg (153,499lb) 79,002Kg (174,170lb)
Maximum Landing Weight 54,657Kg (120,499lb) 66,349Kg (146,275lb)

What is the empty weight of a Boeing 737?

91,300 lbs
The empty weight of the Boeing 737-800 is 91,300 lbs, and its maximum takeoff weight is 172,500 lbs.

What is the difference between 737-900 and 737-900ER?

The higher MTOW of the 737-900ER allowed more fuel to give the plane more range. The design changes you are referring to had two benefits. They increased MTOW of the plane for more range. The improvements also shortened takeoff distance for the same weight.

Is 737 900ER the same as 737 MAX?

The 737 Max can fly farther and carry more people than the previous generation of 737s, like the 737-800 and 737-900. It also has improved aerodynamics and a redesigned cabin interior and flies on bigger, more powerful and more efficient CFM LEAP engines.

How much weight does a landing gear take?

Normally, the weight of the landing gear is about 3%–5% of the aircraft takeoff weight (Mohammad, 2012). Although landing gear is an essential component for safe landing and ground activities, it is a dead weight while aircraft is in the air.

How much weight can airplane tires hold?

Aircraft tires are amazing when you think about it. The typical airliner tire can handle a 38-ton load. It can meet the ground 500 times before needing a re-tread, a refresh it can take on seven times in its life.

How much does a 747 weigh empty?

412,300 lbs
The weight of an empty Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet without any passengers, freight or fuel is 412,300 lbs or 187,000 KGS. To put it in perspective, this is more than 4 times heavier than the empty weight of a Boeing 737-800 (which is 91,300 lb / 41,413 kg).

Is Boeing 737 900 the same as Max?